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WeJustDid46 t1_iy667yh wrote

We are at 332 days in 2022. There have been 400 homicides in Philadelphia so far this year.


morry32 t1_iy67b4i wrote

keep going you almost there my friend


those are numbers, do you not think crime doesn't exist everywhere? Everything is in relation to something else, I am going to assume you don't want them arresting people before they commit a crime, right?


WeJustDid46 t1_iy68p0t wrote

Crime does exist everywhere, however, you are more likely to be a victim of crime in Philadelphia than you are if you live in Downingtown.


GreenAnder t1_iy6macj wrote

This isn’t true at all, the cities have more ppl but you’re statistically safer than other areas that have more crime per capita


WeJustDid46 t1_iy6embw wrote

You poor, poor, people, you cannot even see the writing on the wall.
