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tu_away_2020 t1_j2977ob wrote

Can y'all mfs stop bidding up rent? Got told by a landlord we were good to apply, so we pay the fees and learn afterwards that they went with a different applicant who offered a whopping $50 more per month.


BUrower t1_j2a2zw6 wrote

Supply and Demand. We need to incentivize more housing units in the city.


saintofhate t1_j2agaub wrote

We have more than enough housing in the city, just greedy fucks who want to hold on to it and keep it out of reach so they can make fat stacks. We need to deincentivize landlords, a small number of people or companies shouldn't be allowed to make a fuckton off of vunerable people, especially since so many of them take the passive part of 'passive income' quite literally and run the shittiest apartments.


An_emperor_penguin t1_j2bycu5 wrote

Any reason you suppose landlords have gotten so much greedier over the last 10 years or so?


saintofhate t1_j2ccxj1 wrote

Personal opinion, it's a lack of regulation much like other businesses. So many are making profits out the ass and still cry poor while racking up prices.


An_emperor_penguin t1_j2cfpx7 wrote

The joke I'm making is that the population has been growing the last 10 years or so. The big secret is that landlords (and businesses) are always greedy and will charge as much as they think they can. Higher demand lets them charge more and still get renters


BUrower t1_j2asept wrote

Vacancy rates and rising rents tell a different story. Landlords don't raise rents unless they can get those higher rents. They can get those higher rents because demand is outpacing supply. Increase supply and the market becomes tenant favorable, not landlord favorable. Additional new supply forces landlords to update their old units to be competitive with newer apartments or drop their rents to be in line with the condition of the unit they are offering.