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tu_away_2020 t1_j2977ob wrote

Can y'all mfs stop bidding up rent? Got told by a landlord we were good to apply, so we pay the fees and learn afterwards that they went with a different applicant who offered a whopping $50 more per month.


BUrower t1_j2a2zw6 wrote

Supply and Demand. We need to incentivize more housing units in the city.


saintofhate t1_j2agaub wrote

We have more than enough housing in the city, just greedy fucks who want to hold on to it and keep it out of reach so they can make fat stacks. We need to deincentivize landlords, a small number of people or companies shouldn't be allowed to make a fuckton off of vunerable people, especially since so many of them take the passive part of 'passive income' quite literally and run the shittiest apartments.


An_emperor_penguin t1_j2bycu5 wrote

Any reason you suppose landlords have gotten so much greedier over the last 10 years or so?


saintofhate t1_j2ccxj1 wrote

Personal opinion, it's a lack of regulation much like other businesses. So many are making profits out the ass and still cry poor while racking up prices.


An_emperor_penguin t1_j2cfpx7 wrote

The joke I'm making is that the population has been growing the last 10 years or so. The big secret is that landlords (and businesses) are always greedy and will charge as much as they think they can. Higher demand lets them charge more and still get renters


BUrower t1_j2asept wrote

Vacancy rates and rising rents tell a different story. Landlords don't raise rents unless they can get those higher rents. They can get those higher rents because demand is outpacing supply. Increase supply and the market becomes tenant favorable, not landlord favorable. Additional new supply forces landlords to update their old units to be competitive with newer apartments or drop their rents to be in line with the condition of the unit they are offering.


sugr_magnolia t1_j291vq9 wrote

PSA: 15th is closed at City Hall. They're removing Xmas village stuff and setting up for the parade. The entire area is a fuck factory. Do not attend.


thebutchone t1_j2ah0t7 wrote

It's too fucking warm, I'm dying here. Damn you Regan.


screwitjustdancce t1_j2ac339 wrote

Holy shit Ive been living in Philly area fora year and JUST had ramen at Terakawa. Soooo good and so mad I didn't go sooner!!! Will be a regular there now lol


helium_hydrogen t1_j2anvjj wrote

This is my hot take, but Terakawa is just meh. There's always a huge wait and it's never felt worth it to me. Megumi is right around the corner and it's better imo.

For the real good shit tho, try Neighborhood Ramen down in Society Hill.


sjo232 t1_j2chc98 wrote

I wasn't a huge fan of neighborhood ramen tbh. I'd go back and try it again but Hiro and Terakawa are just so much better imo


helium_hydrogen t1_j2csf7v wrote

I've only had it once, but it's the closest Philly ramen has gotten to the Ichiran tonkotsu I had in NYC. Just pure porky flavor. I'll have to try out Hiro sometime soon though!


sjo232 t1_j2ds9ns wrote

Sounds like it must have been what I got when I was there. I think I had some kind of chicken ramen and it just didn’t hit like the others.


sjo232 t1_j2ajhj8 wrote

if you think Terakawa was amazing, I strongly recommend Hiro Ramen on 11th and chestnut. it's undoubtedly my favorite. I think it's better than Terakawa, but at worst, it's just as good minus the ridiculously long waits for a table you get at Terakawa


TheAdamist t1_j2alffk wrote

Also recommend hiro, and i believe its cash only, so heads up.


Brahette t1_j28r4u7 wrote

Yesterday was my year anniversary of moving back to Manayunk! The first meal I ordered while I was unpacking boxes was from Taqueria Amor so in celebratory fashion, stopped in last night to check out their Senor Grinch setup! Unfortunately it was so super packed that we only stayed for a drink and then got dinner elsewhere. Def check it out if you have a chance, the decorations are up until the 2nd (and they're open all weekend too!).

Our street cat is being put down today :( He's an older dude (at least 13) and got pretty sick over the past few weeks. My neighbors took him in on Xmas Eve and got him to the vet the other day, and unfortunately the best thing to do is to let him go. The girls who have him have been so nice and have brought him over a few times so we could say goodbye. The street won't be the same without him, we have another street cat that's his bff but she is more feral and won't let anyone touch her. I hope she'll be ok without him too :(


typeytypetype t1_j28wdkc wrote

Aw what a dapper gentleman. Sorry you're losing your neighborhood buddy.


WI_LFRED t1_j28ztg7 wrote

I love manayunk. Sorry about your cat


manu274837 t1_j28rccq wrote



typeytypetype t1_j28wfts wrote

Got a really slow day at work ahead of me - please tell me there's a story to accompany this comment.


CheeseburgerLover911 t1_j28yfu5 wrote

So there’s gonna be an eagles game and the mummers parade on the same day? Nice!


CathedralEngine t1_j29f6qh wrote

And don’t forget 2 Street and a lot of people have off on Monday! Be prepared to hear the eagles chant constantly.


WI_LFRED t1_j28yzjc wrote

Anybody else have this sore throat/cough? I'm on day 10 -_-


Brahette t1_j2901h4 wrote

I had it last week but thankfully it didn't turn into anything major and went away after a few days. Sounds like it's been going around :(


screwitjustdancce t1_j2abujy wrote

Ugh yes I feel like I've been sick for the whole month of December 🤦‍♀️


alittlemouth t1_j28z7jk wrote

Yesterday I finally made Christmas Dinner.

Roasted garlic and parm scalloped potatoes, roasted chicken with compound herb butter under the skin, and crispy Brussels sprouts with lardons, bacon fat, and Mike’s hot honey. Ran some errands this morning and the house still smelled like a fantasy when I got home.

In the process of scheduling a photo shoot with Willow Street for my old kitty, who I think is nearing the end. Got him a rad vest for the shoot. He’s gonna look like such a crusty old badass.


Brahette t1_j2905t9 wrote

I would like to bathe in those potatoes ty


Cold_Treat5360 t1_j2a4rj8 wrote

i LOVE the holidays, but i'm willing to admit i'm slightly relieved they're almost over. there's always this weird pressure i project onto having so much fun!! during the holidays - when really, i just want to relax, decompress from a pretty rough trip home for christmas, and get ready for a fresh start in a few days.


pretzel_enjoyer t1_j2aksm1 wrote

I found it especially tough this year because the holidays were back in full force. After two modified holiday seasons it's all back and so exhausting! Rest and reset is certainly in order.


jicket t1_j2axvoa wrote

Right?! I didn't realize how spoiled I'd gotten being able to bail on the holidays until this year when I no longer had that option


helium_hydrogen t1_j2api0e wrote

I feel that, I miss being a kid where you weren't in charge of holiday plans, you just got to sit back and enjoy.


sjo232 t1_j290urk wrote

one of my favorite things about living in conshohocken is looking out my back window in the winter when the leaves are down and seeing the lines of traffic on 76

lol suckers


starshiprarity t1_j2auwbr wrote

I'm taking a trip on one of those fancy new Amtrak trains tonight. Even crappy American high speed rail is so cool


AKraiderfan t1_j29kc46 wrote

For those in Fishtown,

Hajimaru is back. Also they have sushi now, and unagi-don. I'm not close enough with the staff to ask them why they closed so long, but i'm just glad they are back in my lunch rotation (my wallet is not).


cygnoids t1_j2b4pku wrote

I’ve been waiting for them to open since I moved here in August. Really good food. They are cash only for the moment. Definitely will be eating there at least twice a month


helium_hydrogen t1_j29yzf6 wrote

The maximum amount of CPP (Cuteness Per Pixel) that is legally allowed by the state of Pennsylvania.

My toxic trait is that I procrastinate on taking advantage of downtime. Then convince myself that it's downtime and no one expects me to be productive right now anyway. While stressing out about not being productive. And then scrambling to get stuff done when it's actually downtime.

In my defense, the week between Christmas and new years is a liminal space, and I should be commended for not regressing into a featureless blob for the entire period of time.


FrankGrimesApartment t1_j28wdsz wrote

The Walt Whitman bridge doesnt light up at night, you cant even tell it's there.


alittlemouth t1_j29chwz wrote

New idea to combat traffic cone savesies: Placing VERY offensive stickers on the cone/trash can/sawhorse.

Pros: That person looks like an absolute piece of shit with a cone with racist/homophobic stickers on it in front of their house.

Cons: You must be ultra stealth when you place the stickers, lest you look like an absolute piece of shit, too.


NotCandied t1_j2aew97 wrote

Those people would probably be more offended it you put BLM/pride stickers on their cones.


AKraiderfan t1_j29jzas wrote

or the pothole solution:

draw penises all over them


alittlemouth t1_j29kkp5 wrote

Penis-drawing takes more time than sticker-slapping, especially if you want it to look realistic, which obviously includes drawing the scrotum, too!


surrender903 t1_j29493u wrote

Last Friday of the year ! Make it great. Be safe and kind to yourself and others. HNY


GreatWhiteRapper t1_j292gr7 wrote

I fell into the silly trap of thinking I was gonna finally get my life together during this week. So far, it has not happened. Finished Crisis Core: Reunion (me during the final scene: oho, oh boy. I am ready to get my heart shrapnel'ed into a million pieces.) and immediately started replaying FF7: Remake. Which I guess has become my comfort game.

I did write out my resolutions though. The typical stuff. Lose weight, cook more dishes out of my cookbooks. Journal, order something from Small World Seafood, maybe try fishing as a hobby. And of course, read more. I read six books in 2022. Six. That's pathetic. I read more in 2021 but for whatever reason I just fizzle out and stop finishing books in August. I'm reading Salmon Wars right now and I'm only maybe a dozen pages in but I like it.

Cooking a cioppino for New Year's Eve eve since we're going for a nice dinner tomorrow night. I'm skipping the fennel, because fennel is butt. Gonna throw in halibut, clams, mussels, scallops, and I'm debating snow crab or not. Serving shrimp cocktail and crusty bread on the side.

Edit: also a fun fact about me; when I eat eggs, which is fairly often, the eggs in white shells make me nauseous but the eggs in brown shells do not. I don't know why this happens.


VajBlaster69 t1_j295qc2 wrote

Couldn't get into FF7:R. I read that they went way off the rails at the end, which is par for the course in a FF. But they weren't true to the source material. The gameplay/battle mechanics didn't appeal to me either, but maybe I'll revisit it on hard mode.


GreatWhiteRapper t1_j2975nn wrote

Yeah the ending was weird and even after multiple playthroughs I’m a little ??

Hence why it’s a remake tho. They’re going in a different direction. But I never played the OG so I get why some folks are peeved at it. I wish they redid the ending of Reunion to match but 🤷🏻‍♀️


VajBlaster69 t1_j2a34eg wrote

The OG was my first game on my PS1. So yeah, didn't translate well.


bierdimpfe t1_j29wltx wrote

> debating snow crab or not

Snowcrab may be hard to find or hard to find at a reasonable price. A couple months ago I read that millions of crabs are missing and Alaska cancelled their snowcrab season this year.


helium_hydrogen t1_j2a0jmy wrote

Glad to see there's someone else as naive optimistic as me in that New Years resolutions are still a thing. I need to do my year end retrospective/write out next year's goals, but I'm a little apprehensive of looking at what I wrote last year for fear of falling short.

(Also, you're one book ahead of me, if that makes you feel any better. cries in "22 books for 2k22" goals)


sjo232 t1_j29pa1h wrote

bought myself a steam deck for christmas and it just arrived today. now I'm resisting the urge to cancel all my new years plans and just be a shut in playing video games


ifthereisnomirror t1_j2eha5r wrote

You might want a breastfeeding pillow. Gets lil heavy after long sessions.


sjo232 t1_j2eyndh wrote

getting a notification of this comment without context of the parent comment had me really scratching my head for a second lol


ifthereisnomirror t1_j2f4f5s wrote


Pretty much every game that I’ve tried with my deck works except for the ones that have always online anti cheat. Good luck on your somewhat portable gaming adventures!


saintofhate t1_j29oqfe wrote

Got mum tickets for the Fancies for Sunday, so that should be fun.

So wife has jury duty next week, it's on her day off but on the off chance she gets selected, she told her job. Her boss turned around and said she'll need a timed notice of when she was relieved of jury duty and if it's before the end of her shift, she needs to be in work. Now she usually worked until 9, so that means she could spend all day down there and be expected to be in work. Apparently her boss thinks that she teleports places. I told her to just tell her boss it's a two hour trip to city hall and back via septa which wouldn't be a lie if she just took the bus because fuck that shit.


napsdufroid t1_j29t7b1 wrote

No offense intended, but it seems like your wife has the bad luck of always having assholes for bosses


saintofhate t1_j29w5v7 wrote

She used all her luck finding me.

Call center jobs always have mini tyrants it seems.


JBizznass t1_j298c7k wrote

Seeking advice: For various health reasons, I’m trying to eat at least 125g of protein before 5pm (or before dinner). Calories don’t really matter. But even just eating pure meat and a protein shake I struggle to not fill up before I reach this goal. Any suggestions on high protein low bulk food would be appreciated.

Note: I can’t eat gluten and pea and whey protein are also no goes for my tummy.


alittlemouth t1_j29bvz4 wrote

Turkey sausage and egg scramble for breakfast with 1.5 cups Fage 0% greek yogurt with berries or whatever you wanna put in it to make it fancy. 6oz turkey + 3 eggs + yogurt = 80g protein. Couple hard boiled eggs (or a few babybel cheese) + a few ounces of deli turkey (or roast beef or an 8oz turkey or beef burger) for lunch and you're easily at 125g. Make sure you get some veggies and try to buy low sodium sausage + deli meat - your poops and your kidneys will thank you!


JBizznass t1_j29d7sd wrote

Thanks! I was eating lots of turkey sausage (i love the Jones brand) but ran out before Christmas and apparently had a brain fart and forgot about it! Lol. Im front loading my protein and eating lots veggies at night. It’s really helping my migraines, and my tummy!


salamanderXIII t1_j2an7mj wrote

Eggs are your friend in this endeavor. Lots of ways to prepare them and they can be added to many many dishes.


JBizznass t1_j2apjwv wrote

I eat so many dam eggs! I’ve recently started roping them with everything bagel seasoning! I also cook them in different oils like butter, ghee, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc/. Fun fun.


salamanderXIII t1_j2aqjll wrote

My low-effort go-to meal these days is an omelette with a variety of sauteed peppers (poblano especially) and onions with Cholula hot sauce.


throwawaitnine t1_j298se9 wrote

A pound of 90/10 ground beef or turkey.


JBizznass t1_j29dgk9 wrote

I said this to the other person who commented: I had apparently forgot that ground turkey and turkey sausages were a thing. Oops.


Jyssso t1_j293f6k wrote

Hey all

I am visiting Philly with my friend this weekend and wonder if there is any spot(both paid/unpaid) where we could chill and enjoy the NYE firework.

Thank you!


PhillyPanda t1_j29ebda wrote

The waterfront/penns landing. Blue Cross Riverrink is $50 pp


pretzel_enjoyer t1_j2al29f wrote

If you walk around the neighborhoods outside of center city you will see plenty of excellent (if illegal) fireworks


mayfly94 t1_j28to3m wrote

Anyone know where I can get my brakes repaired at a decent price today or tomorrow? Really need it done this weekend, I’m in north Philly but can go elsewhere


sandwichpepe t1_j2a1nni wrote

no blood today, haven’t even gotten out of bed yet :(


PhillyPanda t1_j2a87lr wrote

It’s actually really nice out! Go for a walk while it’s still daylight!


sandwichpepe t1_j2c4y92 wrote

i was hoping to, but i fell back asleep :( i was hoping to treat myself to some donuts in the market but i was in bed all day :( really gotta reduce the hours i work


passing-stranger t1_j2asq5u wrote

I am tired but made it through the holiday season unscathed. Roads weren't bad when I checked on Christmas eve eve so I went to the party, ate many cookies, and won a small Starbucks gift card. This season tempts my depression but we're doing alright.

Have you seen this 2023 moon calendar for sale locally? I think I bought it in person last year but I can't remember where. I only want one.

Happy almost new year if you're celebrating. If you're planning to go out, don't forget to plan how you'll be getting home safely ❤️


darkwoke215 t1_j2aw07g wrote

When I was participating in these threads as 'altboheme', I had "casual chat". But as darkwoke215, I don't have it anymore. I lurk these threads and envy the enthusiasm for fun activities many of you display.


PhillyPanda t1_j2b0ze6 wrote

I’m not sober but I do sober January if you would like to grab some food or coffee or do something weird like the new curling thing at Franklin square.


darkwoke215 t1_j2byb4c wrote

Is that 'curling' as in the Olympic sport with brushes and a large puck?


PhillyPanda t1_j2eh7zi wrote

Kind of, yes, but there’s no ice


darkwoke215 t1_j2eq0uj wrote

> $40 per 30-minute session, up to 8 players...

No can do for me.

If you need encouragement to keep going with sober January, let me know.


sweetassassin t1_j2bhwph wrote

Can anyone recommend a massage therapist who understands bruxism and all the extenuating pain it triggers in the neck, head and shoulders? I saw something on a talk show where in L.A. they have a massages the face and they go in the mouth (gloved up obvi) and do to trigger point massage in the head and jaw to release tension.

Just watching it on TV it looked it could provide me soooooo much relief.

I am working on my stress but I also think some of the meds I'm on makes me clench my jaw subconsciously. I've having headaches and stiff neck, I believe all stemming from my clenched jaw.

Mouth guard is on order with the dentist, but it will take several weeks for them to get it made (they say).


USSBigBooty t1_j2bzce5 wrote

Take it with a grain of salt but I dropped 50 bucks on one of those beck massager things, with the four rotating heated balls. Literally changed my life. All the knots, all the pressure, gone after a week. 10min a night. I still bust it out once every blue moon, but I cannot overstate how bad I used to be, grabbing my neck and feeling rock hard muscles from 8h of insane work stress, trying to massage it out manually. Now it's pretty chill. Just imagine going to bed and not having constant muscle pain.


vivalavicky t1_j2eg8te wrote

Hey Philly - happy New Year! We’re a mid-30s couple newish to Philadelphia looking to go to our first Mummers Parade. I’ve looked through old posts but haven’t seen anything for 2023. Any tips for our first experience?

We’re taking the regional rail from West Mt Airy. Should we hop off at Suburban or Jefferson station?

I’ve read that we should move away from City Hall to escape the crowds and that the after party is on Two Street. Any other tips on where to go to watch the parade, grab a drink, get a bite to eat?

Thanks for your help and have a safe and fun weekend!


courageous_liquid t1_j2eug6f wrote

Suburban and you can either walk south or hop on the subway at 15th by going through the tunnels (confusing) or get on the subway by going down the awful stairs at dilworth park next to city hall.

You can look at the parade route and determine where to get off if you take the subway, or just walk and size up where crowds start to wane.


rndljfry t1_j28oocu wrote

Does anyone have an idea if the Mummers parade has any notable impact on traffic on I-76? I'm inclined to think probably not, but my mother is stressing out about it. Would love to know if anyone has any insight!


typeytypetype t1_j28wlfc wrote

I don't believe so, and 76 is perma-fucked anyway, so it's not like it could be worse than rush hour.


rndljfry t1_j2951dr wrote

That's what I was thinking. I think she's imagining a working Friday with a sports game and beach traffic or something. Thanks for your input!


manyouginobili t1_j2a4tb0 wrote

do yall prefer ice skating in penns landing or dilworth park? or is the best place neither?


LFKhael t1_j2a8abg wrote

Penn's Landing is a way bigger rink.


passing-stranger t1_j2ap3w0 wrote

River rink is my choice. I think they still have free skate if you have blue cross insurance. Dilworth is cute to check out once but it's cramped and two people got engaged on the ice while I tried to skate there.


Cowboy_Yankee t1_j2c590r wrote

Please let me know of any Arabic hookah place, I don’t like loud music while I smoke hookah lol.

Edit : all places without loud music is ok not just Arabic


TheOneTrueBuckeye t1_j29x3fm wrote

What are some apartment complexes people recommend in greater philadelphia (<5 miles from the city)? Would need to have in unit laundry and be in a safe area.


darkwoke215 t1_j2as6yx wrote

Check out the 'moving mondays' stickied thread in this subreddit for more in-depth advice.