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darkwoke215 t1_j2aw07g wrote

When I was participating in these threads as 'altboheme', I had "casual chat". But as darkwoke215, I don't have it anymore. I lurk these threads and envy the enthusiasm for fun activities many of you display.


PhillyPanda t1_j2b0ze6 wrote

I’m not sober but I do sober January if you would like to grab some food or coffee or do something weird like the new curling thing at Franklin square.


darkwoke215 t1_j2byb4c wrote

Is that 'curling' as in the Olympic sport with brushes and a large puck?


PhillyPanda t1_j2eh7zi wrote

Kind of, yes, but there’s no ice


darkwoke215 t1_j2eq0uj wrote

> $40 per 30-minute session, up to 8 players...

No can do for me.

If you need encouragement to keep going with sober January, let me know.