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CathedralEngine t1_izy0jce wrote

I’m no landlord, but I’m fairly certain that all the apartments need to be on different meters. So, if they are all on one meter (which it sounds like it is) and you do put the bill in your name, then yes, you will be responsible for the bill for all the tenants.


thatboul1000 OP t1_izyefdt wrote

Thank you for taking the time to add clarity to the situation for me. I will definitely keep that bill in her name.


cold_toes_poe t1_j00930e wrote

To add to my other comment... If you all share a meter than fuck that, no, absolutely no.


Indiana_Jawnz t1_izzy1b8 wrote

They don't have to be on separate meters but in cases like that landlords usually just build the price of electric into the rent.

This apartment and landlord definitely are on the more slipshod and shady side.