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CerealJello t1_j25omdz wrote

Tradespeople would be better served getting rarely used cars off the road. Getting rid of these won't make parking significantly easier.


ult420 t1_j25vjwy wrote

Genuine question- don’t tradespeople need cars the most to transport their tools and stuff? I agree we should lessen cars in the city but people hauling wood and heavy pieces of metal probably need their own vehicles way more than say a white collar worker


LFKhael t1_j25vwal wrote

How did you read that comment and decide they were talking about clearing trades vehicles off the street?


ScienceWasLove t1_j267815 wrote

Sure it will. There will be more room for delivery men and repair men.


nolandeluca OP t1_j25oto0 wrote

You and I both know that ain't happening any time soon 🤣


CerealJello t1_j25p2v1 wrote

It can happen if we promote policy changes that make it harder to own a car that's rarely used.

-City wide street sweeping.

-Much higher registration fees for multiple cars owned at one property.

Edit: I'll add in adding many more short term loading zones so delivery drivers don't need to block crosswalks or double park.


nolandeluca OP t1_j25pqp3 wrote

When I lived in strawberry mansion they implemented street cleaning, it definitely removed a lot of abandoned cars from the streets, but the rarely used ones just accepted and paid the ticket, good money booster but not a fix to the actual problem of not having a very walkable city (Septa is great but not very time efficient)