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dangerburns880 t1_j0ujg4p wrote

F15. Biden is in Delaware so there is/was a Temporary Flight Restriction that extends through the city. A Cessna violated it so he got intercepted and escorted out by the F15


KuyaGTFO t1_j0ul66c wrote

Probably some dummy not turning up his radios or checking Notices to Airmen

Source: …call it personal experience


asforus t1_j0utide wrote

Are you the guy that this happened to last time? I feel like this happened last year with a Biden flight restriction too.


memettetalks t1_j0uy0da wrote

It did, I know the guy. He was my first boss lol.


asforus t1_j0uyr3s wrote

Hahah that’s funny. Small world.


memettetalks t1_j0uzs8f wrote

Yeah it was a hilarious moment when I heard. Made total sense too, tbh.


SwugSteve t1_j0vkuo5 wrote

was there any punishment or just a stern talking to?


memettetalks t1_j0vleby wrote

P sure there was something with his license. Suspended/revoked I'm not sure. Heard it through the grapevine so unsure. Ironic bc he was pretty high powered in terms of local politics but I imagine it didn't do him any good once he violated federal aviation zones.


dude_catastrophe t1_j0ujrtj wrote

What an honor! A personal escort by an F-15!


boringreddituserid t1_j0uzdwy wrote

And a Secret Service reception committee at the end of the runway when you land.


siandresi t1_j0usf1o wrote

I’m sure it doesn’t come cheap ? In the form of a fine


FolesNick9 t1_j0usu8e wrote

This is the correct response, and just to reiterate what I shared elsewhere:

There is a strict no fly-zone set in place when this occurs, and it often creates quite an issue around Philly and its suburbs because we have a ton of tiny airports and people with a lot of money and expensive hobbies with poor aviation experience flying around those areas.

Chances are this is a pilot that isn't instrument rated, is rather green and decided to go up on a nice clear day to fly VFR around our area, broke that TFR zone and wasn't paying attention to their radio when they got called out, which led to the scramble.


alphex t1_j0ul217 wrote

I believe you. But source ?


dangerburns880 t1_j0uluvs wrote

I was looking at another post somewhere else as well about it but I don’t remember where. TOI is the callsign they typically use for interceptions. If you have Flightradar24 or ADSB exchange (Flightradar24 is an all you can get, ADSB can be accessed through the internet) you can rewind to earlier and watch the Cessna enter restricted airspace and then subsequently see the F15 come and intercept


sandwichpepe t1_j0umwif wrote

probably the second post about the plane here on r/ philadelphia, but the post got deleted!

link to post


dotcom-jillionaire t1_j0uy3yy wrote

i guess the mods didn't like the extra detail and flightradar24 links on that post? that one made more sense to keep alive


Vamanoscabron t1_j0v0lnh wrote

Do you happen to know what kind of repercussions there are for this (besides shitting britches)?


FolesNick9 t1_j0v5icp wrote

A couple of things can happen based off how negligent the pilot was, and its decided on by the FAA:

1 - You can be criminally punished up to a maximum of 1 year in federal prison and a $100,000 fine (Very harsh and rare, you really have to be an F up to get this done)

2 - you can have your pilot license suspended or revoked

3 - receive a civil penalty/fine while also potentially facing #2 noted above


IcedCoffeeIsBetter t1_j0vv9be wrote

Pretty sure the guy in Cali who did this like a month ago is in the number 1 category. Took like 15 flares and many passes to get his attention.


selfpromoting t1_j0vr9yc wrote

Imagine being in a Cessna and having a F15 pull up along side you.


Master_Winchester t1_j0v5jv7 wrote

I saw it happen in the air without knowing the context so I'll support this claim