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YoungHeartOldSoul OP t1_j290emk wrote

I moved here from Baltimore but I was only there about 6 months so I didn't really have roots there, but before that I lived in Alabama my whole life.

I live around grays ferry so (to my knowledge) I'll have to travel basically no matter what I want to do, and that's fine with me.

Xfinity life sounds worth checking out if for nothing else just to see what's up. I think another commenter slightly suggested I attend the murmurs parade without saying that's what it was, possibly for fear of scaring me off haha. I've heard a lot about the murmurs but I still have no clue what it is or when it happens ( besides New Year's Day) but I'm 100% down for whatever it is. I love drunken nonsense when I don't have to clean it up or be involved.

Thank you!


typeytypetype t1_j293kwe wrote

Sorry, I absolutely was suggesting the Mummers parade. Wasn't intentionally being vague haha. And not to chime in and shit on this other suggestion, but FYI if you're female I wouldn't go to Xfinity solo. I got roofied there. Not a good time.


YoungHeartOldSoul OP t1_j2954sy wrote

That's a fair warning. I'm a guy, so in one sense in less of a concern, but it's always good to be aware nonetheless.