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t1_j4qqew0 wrote

I think they pay sales tax. I think the EITC credit, when coupled with their likely low income (the reason they are eligible for the housing or housing subsidy) renders their federal and state tax liability to nothing

I think the value of free or subsidized housing in Bellavista far outweighs, whatever taxes they pay

So, in a fact, they are making out with more than they are putting in - all of which is fine except #they shouldn’t be saving the parking spots# on top of it


t1_j4qsf5u wrote

“making out with more than they are putting in” is an interesting way to describe the working poor


t1_j4r07qz wrote

Go trade places with them. Go be poor. Enjoy that good life. You’re walking around griping that they’re getting over on you, so go ahead.


t1_j4r95wl wrote

Look, i’m not saying the people who live in free and subsidized housing, have it easy. They don’t: society is built to exploit and make things harder for the poor.

I am saying that people who receive free-to-them parking that is paid for by everyone else, but exclusive to their use, should not also be illegally claiming parking spots otherwise available to everyone.

These are not irreconcilable positions