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Wuz314159 t1_j4p6hlf wrote

Where in Philly are there trees with leaves on now?


boringreddituserid t1_j4q3dbq wrote

What? You don’t see the snow? It must be like that blue dress gold dress picture.


babywithahugedick t1_j4r1vgf wrote

People always talk about moving the chairs or cones and freeing up the space, but the more evil route would be to fill the space with something immovable. Spot hogger gets home thinking they have to move two chairs and guess what - grand piano. Figure that out, asshole


mox44ah t1_j4r9ugl wrote

The Gang Solves the City's Parking Crisis


Proper-Code7794 t1_j4pgfsl wrote

You should mess with people who live in houses like that I'm sure nothing will happen.


Jolly-Cheek5779 t1_j4puccq wrote

Lmaooo yeah ok .


MagnusUnda t1_j4q5tls wrote

That’s the section 8 housing between Washington Christian 5th and 3rd.

What makes this particularly egregious is that, not only do they get housing for free (which is fine!), but they got a free parking spot behind the housing (less fine). Here this person is saving additional spots so others in the neighborhood whose taxes pay for their housing/parking cannot use them.


newmanification t1_j4qlzdc wrote

Do you think the people who live here don’t pay taxes?


Mike81890 t1_j4rih28 wrote

Not property or income tax, no.


Ng3me t1_j4s7kbx wrote

You think people in public housing don’t have jobs?


Mike81890 t1_j4s8knu wrote

If you make less than a certain amount of money your income tax liability is 0.


MagnusUnda t1_j4qqew0 wrote

I think they pay sales tax. I think the EITC credit, when coupled with their likely low income (the reason they are eligible for the housing or housing subsidy) renders their federal and state tax liability to nothing

I think the value of free or subsidized housing in Bellavista far outweighs, whatever taxes they pay

So, in a fact, they are making out with more than they are putting in - all of which is fine except #they shouldn’t be saving the parking spots# on top of it


newmanification t1_j4qsf5u wrote

“making out with more than they are putting in” is an interesting way to describe the working poor


Ng3me t1_j4r07qz wrote

Go trade places with them. Go be poor. Enjoy that good life. You’re walking around griping that they’re getting over on you, so go ahead.


MagnusUnda t1_j4r95wl wrote

Look, i’m not saying the people who live in free and subsidized housing, have it easy. They don’t: society is built to exploit and make things harder for the poor.

I am saying that people who receive free-to-them parking that is paid for by everyone else, but exclusive to their use, should not also be illegally claiming parking spots otherwise available to everyone.

These are not irreconcilable positions


Ng3me t1_j4s1lj0 wrote

Nobody should illegally claim parking no matter their path in life.


SBRH33 t1_j4qildy wrote

Lol. These homes aren't section 8. They are PHA owned housing. The housing isnt "free" either. Its subsidized, which means the residents pay some form of rent.

But go ahead and mess around with that and get FAFO'd over parking. 🤷🏼‍♂️


William_d7 t1_j4rpb1z wrote

I think a lot of the people who regularly park on those blocks are renters in QV who still have out of town addresses on their licenses so they have to park on unpermitted blocks. That area is a shitshow anyway so I can’t get too heated about it.


Jolly-Cheek5779 t1_j4q6sa7 wrote

Lmao I didn’t need the explanation. I know where it is.


MagnusUnda t1_j4q89qa wrote

Less of an explanation than me unnecessarily ranting about a common annoyance of mine at your expense


Asleep_Operation4116 t1_j4spbj2 wrote

That’s why you remove the chairs but don’t park there


MRC1986 t1_j4w36e3 wrote

Letting unsuspecting people to park there and have their cars smashed. How nice of you.

This is why I'm vehemently against removing savesies unless you're going to risk your own car in that spot. I will die on that hill, and a year or so ago I did in a post showing traffic cone savesies.


autimaton t1_j4qpaqv wrote

God bless the vigilantes who steal cones/chairs from “claimed” spots and drive away. You are the real MVP.


latte214270 t1_j4rjhd4 wrote

I heard my neighbor screaming “I work hard to pay for my cones and some motherfucker keeps stealing them!” That made my day


DonQOnIce t1_j4roczu wrote

No way any of those cone people actually buy cones though, right?


uptown_gargoyle t1_j4si3tw wrote

my block gets together and puts in a bulk cone order at the beginning of the year. 2 cones per household, and they usually last until the following January when it's time to reorder


Rivster79 t1_j4t4a8j wrote

What the everloving fuck?


uptown_gargoyle t1_j4t5hca wrote

we realized long ago that there's no reasoning with the cone people, so now we're all cone people. It was a great way to bond as neighbors. And we get the cones themselves at a good price.


Serpico2 t1_j4r4ws1 wrote

Here’s the thing though, if you park in that space you know damn well you’re getting keyed.

It isn’t right, but it’s true.


espressocycle t1_j4w4bsh wrote

You're also likely to get shot. And not just because it's the projects, that goes for anywhere.


marckshark t1_j4qmt36 wrote

I've had people yell that at me as my car pushes cones/chairs aside, and my response is usually "yeah, taken by me"


basilect t1_j4s1o3g wrote

How often do you deal with vandalism?


ScottishCalvin t1_j4pna6t wrote

Free chairs, y'all!

Location is 5th + Carpenter by the looks of things


[deleted] t1_j4oyvkm wrote



Cannanda t1_j4q2bi2 wrote

Naw. I’ve heard too many stories of people attacking your car for months on end or you get shot for moving chairs. Philly is a lawless land


[deleted] t1_j4pd4q1 wrote



TPPH_1215 t1_j4pssfm wrote

Your last sentence describes every driver in this city.


LFKhael t1_j4qoy7k wrote

The amount of "you can't do anything about it or it's your fault" that shows up in these threads.

I can't tell if it's a defeatist attitude or half these people are the ones putting cones and chairs out.

Drivers are violent and out of control. Same level as the shootings in public areas and dirtbike gangs. It's just an "well it's okay when they do it" hand wave.


uptown_gargoyle t1_j4pv12n wrote

Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.


jk137jk t1_j4qpgri wrote

I always toss the chairs and cones I see onto the side wall and keep driving. It’s fun


muddymoose t1_j4sdwpw wrote

Then the next innocent and unassuming schmuck that’ parks in that spot will get their windshield wipers taken off and maybe even their tires popped if the person who put the chair there is a dumbass (and we know they most likely are)


I moved to Boston and its much worse up here. A person on my block does this every single day with two spots for their giant Mercedes SUVs. I make a 311 report every time but nothing happens


KingQuaddyy_ t1_j4slu33 wrote

Be careful with that, whoever parks there is going to get alot of problems for something they didn’t do. My neighbors almost fought when he parked in front of a guys house. I damn near got a car towed for moving my cones behind my house


colleen2163 t1_j4qis1g wrote

Wheres the cone rangers?


Rivster79 t1_j4t4v1o wrote

No Cone Rangers. This looks like a job for the Chair Bears.


Robert_A_Bouie t1_j4pxee6 wrote

Removing one or both of them & parking your car there is probably about a level 6


NonIdentifiableUser t1_j4q92ao wrote

Imagine getting your house for free, being able to drive whatever car you want because that’s not counted against you when considering need for public housing, and then thinking you deserve free convenient parking as well. Holy entitlement.


Odd-Emergency5839 t1_j4qx0vi wrote

It’s income based housing not free housing. People in expensive townhomes on spruce and pine do the same shit. It’s dumb in both cases but no need to make it seem like the lower income people are the problem


DavidLieberMintz t1_j4qz9qq wrote

I have never once seen a spot saver on any street downtown.


DonQOnIce t1_j4s0di1 wrote

I think that has more to do with it being impossible to get away with there than anything else.


JBizznass t1_j4qlzlb wrote

I was broke as shit when going to night school at Temple back in the day so couldn’t pay for a lot. I would often park by the PHA housing near campus. The residents used to scream at me about taking “their space” while their peeps pulled up in nice cars and clothes. Meanwhile I’m working 60 hrs a week, going to school, paying all my bills with no help since I didn’t qualify for shit since I didn’t recklessly procreate, and get rewarded by getting screamed at by these entitled jerkwads. Really pissed me off.


context_clue t1_j4qbnvv wrote

Free chairs! Also Cone Rangers website can be used to report this.


Rahawk02 t1_j4qf9wx wrote

They need a group like this to simply remove the illegal drugs from the junkies on the El .


luneTNS t1_j4qag4g wrote

watch for PPA. The one is parked backwards


spiralbatross t1_j4r3pis wrote

Fold the chairs up and stack them neatly against the pole, then draw a hand with a middle finger on it and tape it to the chairs. Then drive off and find a new space so they don’t destroy your car lol


ilovetorunforfun t1_j4q9ke8 wrote

Similar post on r/casualuk

I love that our friends across the pond are dealing with the same shit lol


themightychris t1_j4qid5c wrote

it sounds like that knobhead might have a skip coming tho

Edit: does anyone know what a skip is?


Mike81890 t1_j4ris7e wrote

Fair do's then, innit? A right time fitting a lore into those lanes!


intrsurfer6 t1_j4qpz5m wrote

Pretty sure the rule in this town is no savsies


Cobey1 t1_j4t1ver wrote

I move cones, buckets, chairs, etc as I’m driving through random neighborhoods in Philly. I would love to look through a crystal ball and see how many fights I have caused throughout my life 😂


rossdowdell t1_j4qw863 wrote

This reminds me of something my father oft repeated: Dogs lick their balls because they can.

Assertive people save parking spots. Passive people complain about it on Reddit.

When that person gets home, s/he will park in the spot they wanted and not care one second about legality, societal ethos or Reddit downvotes.


packykeou t1_j4sid2j wrote

Yeah but I’m willing to bet that a lot of us passive Reddit folks who are complaining about this are more satisfied and well-adjusted than this spot saver, even as we still drive around looking for parking. Not giving a f*ck might make it easy in the short term but it never gets you far.


rossdowdell t1_j4svnyd wrote

I'm in agreement that this old Philly tradition is a 10 out of 10 on the DICK! Scale.

But thinking the space-saver will be punished by their inner Kantian a priori reasoning---or out of fear of rejection from St. Peter at the Gate---is just not real.

They will only react to fear of force. And then you're committing violence over 6 feet of space. You've become the monster.


Spideriffic OP t1_j4tggjh wrote

"Assertive people save parking spots. Passive people complain about it on Reddit."

Selfish people save parking spots. Equitable people complain about it on Reddit.


lemming-leader12 t1_j4rbn2a wrote

Looks like either 4th street or 3rd street or 5th off of Christian and Washington Ave.


defusted t1_j4r1q3d wrote

Oh hey look, new folding chair


billycheesecake t1_j4r8uiv wrote

ooh free chairs!


jbs818 t1_j4w4t48 wrote

I once moved a trash can and parked across from my house. When I came out, it was on top of my car. I drove three blocks and ditched it. Now buy a new one!


ForwardPress t1_j4svnm0 wrote

900 block of anything, I ain't fucking with their chairs.


cielorossa t1_j4qkl15 wrote

My neighbors do this ALL the time.


Capkirk0923 t1_j4sjub7 wrote

You can park there, but your car might get fucked up while you're gone. Certain parts of Philly, though you might get jumped so use caution.


ncdjbdnejkjbd t1_j4qqlwf wrote

Thats some Pittsburgh karen stuff right there


Revolutionary_Bee700 t1_j4ry7rg wrote

Set up a table, a grill and cooler and claim it as a new parklett.


medicallyspecial t1_j4rcvns wrote

So I’m disabled and what gets me is people claiming they “own” the handicapped spot in front of their house. I totally get why and everything else believe me but it’s also a public space at OTHER disabled people need to use. I’ve had people leave notes on my car saying “it’s their partners spot etc” and even had someone yell at me even after telling them I’m disabled + they can see the handicapped thing hanging.

It’s public parking for a reason. I don’t have my own spot either and worry each day about parking but I suck it up and deal with it like everyone else


Shrewlord t1_j4ri8ms wrote

Looks like someone is giving away free chairs


Civil_Peak t1_j4u0rvh wrote

While we all know this about home users I'm started to see construction companies who have no legal permit to do so, put barriers or debris or something so they can park their trucks in the same spots every day. The city has an issue with construction companies "accidentally" knocking down neighboring houses of the construction yet they don't stop them from doing the simplest things (like putting stuff in the road so they can do whatever they want).


DFWPunk t1_j4rdi7s wrote

Someone is giving away free chairs.


Hib3rnian t1_j4reh1i wrote

I wouldn't get involved, based on the orientation of the chairs, it looks like a parking dispute. 😆


DlnnerTable t1_j4s5nnn wrote

I typically chuck those chairs in a dumpster


SolutionsExistInPast t1_j4seuk5 wrote

First catalytic converters.

Now they are stealing the car bodies and leaving the seats. smh.


Itis_TheStranger t1_j4sg0c0 wrote

They used to steal a car, strip it, then leave the frame/body on a street somewhere. The cops would find it, then sell the frame/body at an auction with a title. The thrives would then buy the stripped car with a chassis cheap.


kflan138 t1_j4st64v wrote

I need some new chairs, location?


HonnyBrown t1_j4zsr6m wrote

Is this in Manyunk?


Spideriffic OP t1_j53whv9 wrote

South Philly


HonnyBrown t1_j54kvhn wrote

In the winter, Manyunk residents put chairs in the spots they shoveled out. This let others know the parking spot was spoken for.


eva-geo t1_j50kwb9 wrote

Move the chairs let them yell when the fish yelling tell them it is a public street take a picture of their face then walk away if anything happens to your car call the police and show them the likely culprit


Repulsive_Ad_4096 t1_j4qzxos wrote

1st off this is PHA. which is public housing they dnt own sht over there. i would move it. they can find a spot to park like every1 else paying $22 a month in rent