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markskull t1_j5uqujs wrote

Wait wait wait wait...

The guns were stored in GLASS display cases? The stores had their guns stolen because they were locked up like video games in a Wal-Mart?

Why don't stores have to lock-up firearms the same way people with kids need to lock them up? If you have a kid in your home and own a weapon, and the kid gets the weapon, you're liable for anything and everything that happens. Why aren't stores treated the same way with theft? Why aren't there storage laws that mean you need to lock these things up more when being sold like this?!

And lets get this clear: This gang is a problem and I'm thrilled they're locked-up, but... wow. This is a problem!


StubbornLeech07 t1_j5uv1n3 wrote

> Why don't stores have to lock-up firearms the same way people with kids need to lock them up? If you have a kid in your home and own a weapon, and the kid gets the weapon, you're liable for anything and everything that happens.

That is not true for PA. There is no federal or PA safe storage law.

While 27 states and the District of Columbia have made it illegal for parents to carelessly leave weapons around children that are not supervised, Pennsylvania is not one of them. For a parent or guardian to face criminal charges after a minor uses their weapon, the prosecution must be able to show that the adult intentionally gave the gun to the minor. This is very difficult to prove and may be the reason why the Office of Attorney General has not seen even one case involving this law in recent years.

Now I personally believe there should be a safe storage law federally or at the PA state level but don't see that happening any time soon.


markskull t1_j5uwoaj wrote


You know, after that 6-year-old brought a gun to school to shoot his teacher, I kept hearing there were all these laws in place that punished the parents for being careless with their guns. That's kinda shocking.