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12kdaysinthefire t1_j4tha1f wrote

I don’t blame him. Whoever comes next has a lot of annoying shit to deal with and messes to clean up. Nutter can just go for bike rides and collect a pension rather than deal with any of that if he doesn’t run again.


TheCardiganKing t1_j4tz66h wrote

Not to mention we'll be knee deep into a recession come election time. Woe unto whomever gets elected.


Hollow_Rant t1_j4u9c26 wrote

He dealt with the occupy performance art and the biggest recession that wasn't a depression and he steered the city through it.

I just wish the next mayor does the Obama thing and listens to their predecessors and cherry picks the best advice.

Also listen to Sam Katz, it works better if you hear an opposing point of view every once in a while.


ell0bo t1_j4v3mzh wrote

I wouldn't exactly call occupy a performance art. However, it lost its way and never made a cohesive argument at the end. I was there for a lot of those arguments, it was a shame how it ended up. Such promise squandered.


USSBigBooty t1_j4vydog wrote

It eschewed central leadership and instead relied on obscure communal rules to accomplish its goals-- is that an accurate representation?


throws_rocks_at_cars t1_j4vg480 wrote

It’s been two years of this prediction being “three months away”, like yeah I know many markets are messed up but this alarmism is simply not playing out.


Eagles20222 t1_j4teto0 wrote

I met him once. He’s a good guy. I don’t agree with him on everything, but he’s super smart, hard working, and seems like he really cares about helping the city. I’d vote for him again, but if his heart isn’t in it I guess it’s good he pursues other passions.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j4tiuur wrote

He’s smart not to. The city is different this time around and it would only serve to tarnish his reputation


thefirststoryteller t1_j4tc08u wrote

All the declared candidates just breathed a sigh of relief


GumshoeAndy t1_j4te2he wrote

He would've been my third pick behind Rhynhart and Domb, respectively.


markskull t1_j4v4lpj wrote

Good, and frankly, it's a smart move for him and the Philly Dems.

Taking a cue from Former-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, there's a need to let younger and newer people take the lead in the party. The Democratic Primary field filled with at least a dozen people trying to get the nomination, many of whom at younger and haven't been in politics as long as Nutter. This keeps the field open, at least publicly. The biggest concern I have are him and Bob Brady pulling the strings to get their ideal nominees into the office instead.

Also, while a lot of people may look back at Nutter with aww, it's also important to note what the country was going through during his leadership along with a few things he did that haven't aged well. Overall, the nation was going through a relatively good upswing economically after 2008 (he got in right before The Great Recession), and crime nationally was on a downward trend. He also implemented "Stop-and-Frisk", a program he still supports. And he also instituted a "Crime Emergency", something that I don't believe was ever lifted.

He did a decent job, but him formally bowing out is the best thing moving forward.


ILoveKittensAndCats t1_j4w8jaf wrote

What a bummer. I don’t blame him either.

I waited on John Street (only waited on Street and Nutter, so I only have come into contact with them) a couple of years ago and asked him if he missed being mayor.

He said “You ever have a headache that lasts every day for years on end? One day, you just wake up and the headache is gone.”

I’ll take that as a no.

Nutter was a nice customer but GODDAMN a restaurant’s closing time meant nothing to him. Had to stay a couple extra hours every time he came in at 9:55 (10 PM closing).


redjonley t1_j4vyx2w wrote

r/philadelphia is devastated.


ifthereisnomirror t1_j4uzxiv wrote

He was never thinking about running again.

We need better local journalism.

A unsubstantiated rumor of a rumor didn’t necessitate a clickbait article positing on the idea he might run again. Posters here drink koolaid hard.


[deleted] t1_j4t78lw wrote



hatramroany t1_j4t9tz5 wrote

> Nutter said during Tuesday’s event that he intends to start a center for public policy at the University of Pennsylvania and is focused on addressing poverty and income inequality in the city.


PointB1ank t1_j4u712f wrote

The most expensive college in PA, interesting choice.


filladellfea t1_j4uupq3 wrote

i don't hesitate to shit on Penn kids, but to be fair UPenn does have a policy for offering up to 100% financial aid packages based on need for candidates that meet the guidelines. Essentially Penn can be almost free for those that come from the "bottom" income-wise.


justanawkwardguy t1_j4v4bf3 wrote

Did Drexel cut their tuition in half or something?


PointB1ank t1_j4va2bo wrote

Penn has always been more expensive than Drexel, they're both up there though.


RoverTheMonster t1_j4ut51h wrote

Isn’t this sort of what the Netter Center already does?


uptown_gargoyle t1_j4ux6qb wrote

you loved the netter center, now get ready for the even better netter-nutter center!


hatramroany t1_j4vqokr wrote

Sounds like that’s basically a volunteer program which is different than a center for public policy which is essentially a think tank


Karineh t1_j4tue3w wrote



Mcjibblies t1_j4u6cxx wrote


You guys have been getting stern neo-lib pipe for too long and it shows
