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themanpotato t1_j5lzoff wrote

That sunken grassy island area between the Aramingo/SB 95 on-ramp and the 95 off-ramp looks like shit. It’s just gonna be mud and trash at some point.

I don’t understand why the curbs and sidewalks under 95 had to be so elaborate. I guess they look better than straightforward parking lots like in South Philly, but I’d rather see that time/effort/money go to upkeep of roads or sidewalks of more trafficked areas.

They should have addressed the sidewalks on the river side of Delaware Ave. I used to commute by bike on that side and it was always overgrown and covered in trash and gravel.

On another note what do you think of the SouthBound 95 merge from the aramingo ramp? That curve on 95, right before the center city exits is always a jammed up even when there’s not much traffic. Adding lanes just made it worse


ItsBobsledTime OP t1_j5m0m8r wrote

The whole plan is a mess. From the highway merge to the looping you have to do to get to york going North. Just terrible and it looks like shit.


mortgagepants t1_j5ombwo wrote

it was a jobs program after 2008- "shovel ready". after that i'm sure traffic was a consideration, then the usage, and finally anyone who has to live by it.


ItsBobsledTime OP t1_j5oukf1 wrote

Can you elaborate on what you mean by “shovel ready”?


mortgagepants t1_j5ovfy1 wrote

after the 2008 crash they passed the "american recovery act" or something. but they didn't want new projects- they wanted stuff that was already planned and approved and ready to go, just didn't have the money for. this was because the faster people got back to work, the more money circulated in the economy.

95 widening was one of them, another around here was refurbishing a bunch of amtrak cars to last another 10 years.


Proper-Code7794 t1_j5pa8g2 wrote

Because 95 was four lanes and then became three lanes at Girard and then became four lanes again so there's always been traffic at the constriction point.


Aromat_Junkie t1_j5ozad5 wrote

I'd literally rather just have parking like under 95 in south philly


courageous_liquid t1_j5v514c wrote

we're not doing large swaths of impervious surfaces anymore


Aromat_Junkie t1_j5v6ltn wrote

we are doing it, i just got off the phone with Local 99 impervious surface pavers and they donated 600k to mayor icedwine's private charitable trust.

looks like parking lots are back on the menu boys


courageous_liquid t1_j5v9yst wrote

Son of a bitch. Aite, I'll call up that guy that throws "spontaneous" parties on random infrastructure.