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voidofcourth t1_j5n0vz2 wrote

I can't tell you how my cyclists I've almost hit and killed with my car when they don't follow any rules of the road. Do they not know they have to obey the same traffic signs and rules as cars when they are on public streets?


b0b0tempo t1_j5odhhx wrote

I'm not a cyclist, you fucking sociopath, and neither was the woman run down on Oregon avenue.

Why don't you go drive off a fucking cliff?


voidofcourth t1_j5oy1i9 wrote

Woah. Sociopath? It's not like I'm trying to hit anyone. I'm a very safe driver. I was saying the cyclists are being reckless. Mainly the electric bike delivery folks. Calm down Susan.


mountjo t1_j5pcnlq wrote

And I almost get doored/nailed on my bike daily while following traffic laws. What's your point here? Cyclist bring it on themselves? Some don't follow traffic laws?


voidofcourth t1_j5vgp3u wrote

The ones who run stop signs and lights and get hit I do not feel a bit of sympathy over.


mountjo t1_j5vik3s wrote

Well, thanks for sharing I guess. Very valuable contribution to the conversation.