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PhillyAccount t1_j6av8d1 wrote

Fare evasion is an issue on every major transit system right now. It does seem however like SEPTA has ceded the El and BSL to the dirtbags.


Vague_Disclosure t1_j6bciqw wrote

just because something is an issue everywhere doesn't mean septa can't take steps to mitigate it


PhillyAccount t1_j6dsulf wrote

Im suggesting that septa doesn't even have a response, compared to other agencies who have at least identified it as an issue.


Paparddeli t1_j6ay0ng wrote

MTA in NYC estimated that fare evasion has tripled in recent years and that they are losing $500 million a year. It certainly has to be tens of millions of dollars here. You are never going to eliminate it completely, but getting that number down significantly could have a big effect.


mikebailey t1_j6bt9lz wrote

SEPTA also has some more advanced forms of evasion e.g. selling key swipes and transfers because they cool off differently than MTA etc


DeltaNerd t1_j6dqeky wrote

The whole sit around and do nothing is not an answer. At this rate there is going to have to be some type of unpopular decision to keep them off the system and maybe get them into treatment