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Wizard_of_Iducation t1_j3xn14b wrote

These owners are awful and I hope they go broke.


nowtayneicangetinto t1_j3ydksy wrote

Is this the cafe that was caught up in that controversy that spilled out onto social media? I think a barista or something made a small viral video calling them out?


leninluvr t1_j3yoqn7 wrote

Nah that’s Mina’s world


wawa2563 t1_j3ywh99 wrote

Mina's world was epic. It was watching epic wokism eat itself over social media.


nalgene_wilder t1_j40zwha wrote

The only thing epic about it was watching a bunch of anti-woke weirdos froth at the mouth for weeks about a cafe they didn't know existed in a part of town they never go to


wawa2563 t1_j410r1h wrote

This was my neighborhood for over two decades and what happened was the culmination of well intentioned priviledged people being taken advantage of by a bunch of confidence people.


MRC1986 t1_j41ny4n wrote

Reminds me of the over 800 comment thread on Dishonest Honest Tom's going vegan 4+ years ago. It got brigaded by vegan subs lmao. Lo and behold, it didn't even last one year, and the new owners (who were cooks) immediately went back to serving meat, and as far as I know still exists today and is doing well.

Fuck "Honest" Tom, fucking woo new age "alkaline diet" dickhead.


igotbabydick t1_j40cq39 wrote

I’m a little out of the loop… what happened?


mmw2848 t1_j40vpof wrote

There's another thread if you search Mina on this sub. The TLDR is that the worker's claimed "harm" occurred and demanded that the owners give them the business and the building. The third owner (mother of one of the day-to-day operators and main funder of the business) basically said hell no, shut down the café, and put the building up for sale.


Bethjana1 t1_j464uz6 wrote

It was infuriating. A bunch of whackadoo bullies demanding to own a business because they work there and a bunch of young owners who bent the knee. So sad. My neighborhood. A shanda. But hope lessons were learned.


wawa2563 t1_j466o60 wrote

I loved it when the successful Korean immigrant mother who owned the property and set everyone straight. Some of the staff was making the owners feel bad for owning the business and tried to guilt them into handing it over.


Bethjana1 t1_j4685g4 wrote

Yeah dude it was insane and soooo painful to watch.