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Booplympics t1_j6lh4qr wrote

> If you look at the 1/22 and 1/27 cyclist murders


Hmmm downvotes but nobody explaining how it’s murder. Interesting.


Norman_Door t1_j6lowjn wrote

This tragedy could probably be best classified as a homicide, not a murder.

My guess is that the people downvoting you because they are under the impression that you're trying to imply this is not a "murder" but an "accident."


Booplympics t1_j6lxix5 wrote

It is not murder. It is an accident. It’s also homicide. But homicide does not equal murder. These are indisputable facts.

Unless, of course, OP has proof that these were premeditated acts. In which case no amount of bike infrastructure would have stopped it and it would be weird to use such an unrelated act to push your agenda.


Norman_Door t1_j6mq39o wrote

I agree with you on the murder part. It's the wrong word to use. Too often, however, these deaths are referred to as "accidents" by the media, which downplays the culpability of the driver in the cyclist's death.