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DOUCYIMD1 t1_j4vei3e wrote

I had a similar situation but the little guy scratched his way all the way thru the drywall and fell down out of the ceiling. It wasn't a pleasant experience for either one of us.


sandwichpepe OP t1_j4vmaev wrote

bro i had a broom, hammer, and a knife in my room ready for if i had to 1v1 this guy 😭😭


tubbo t1_j4vmnes wrote

all you need to 1v1 him is a little salami, as a treat.


sciencefaire t1_j4vieyp wrote

Morbidly curious, did you have a live critter running around your place??


DOUCYIMD1 t1_j4vrkye wrote

Yep. Literally bouncing off the walls. He was as freaked out as I was! He eventually ran out the propped open front door and darted to freedom surely wondering if it was all a bad dream.


ell0bo t1_j4vlzpl wrote

Sounds like they had two; themselves and the animal.


f0rf0r t1_j4wk3ac wrote

we had a squirrel fall out of the ceiling into the kitchen

thing absolutely freaked the fuck out and sprinted out the open door, fortunately