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PenalAffliction t1_j4vn05d wrote

Around this time last year I had some fighting for territory in my ceiling. 2 or 3 of them SCREECHING and tustling around at 4am right above my head. Was a nightmare. I humanely trapped 3 (by setting a trap on my roof) in total and moved them to New Jersey.


sandwichpepe OP t1_j4vo3wu wrote

where they belong


SouthPhilly_215 t1_j4whg3l wrote

I mean this was their territory before we built a city here.


DestroyerOfIphone t1_j4wupjv wrote

Camden is the birthplace of the modern-day raccoon? Unfortunately, when humans built bridges, the trash pandas got confused and moved to Pennsylvania. But don't worry, with a little effort, we can help bring them back to their roots!


Ghstfce t1_j4x7s4w wrote

>I humanely trapped 3 (by setting a trap on my roof) in total and moved them to New Jersey.

Now they'll have to pay a tax if they ever want to leave. Smart move.


PenalAffliction t1_j4x9ixs wrote

This was actually my main rationale haha. They won't have the funds... (Also I read you have to move them very far or they'll come back)


Ghstfce t1_j4xa2qy wrote

Trash panda...move them to the Garbage State. It's like it was meant to be.


Ulthanon t1_j4wl9w2 wrote

>moved them to new jersey

a fate worse than death

source: live in jersey