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commandolandorooster t1_j9umdz6 wrote

Correct me if I’m misunderstanding, but this is where I think my biggest problem in life comes from. I cannot put my world in different boxes because idk how to do that while remaining open to the great unknown. If I just accept and submit myself to the openness of reality, I cannot help but only feel depressed and anxious all the time. If I try to refine it more, I know what I’m doing is ignorant, but I also know this is how I get hurt when someone tries to break that shelf or I break it myself. I used to be Mormon and had such a specific understanding of the world. Once that was shattered, I became pretty agnostic and remain lost. Nothing but medication seems to help instead of trying to figure it out myself, and even then I feel like it creates a cloud around my world.


rekdt t1_j9vwz7u wrote

Why not investigate the depression and anxiety? You don't have to think to know reality, forget about philosophy for a bit, what do you see here and now. That's all there is, thoughts of what reality is are just obstructions to the truth.


Historical_Tea2022 t1_j9vscpk wrote

Knowing yourself is the only answer and right now you're going through so much change, it's hard to know who you are until you're more settled. It could be why you feel so lost.


lordtrickster t1_j9wd15z wrote

I function off a "working model for the situation" approach. You'll never know the entirety of everything, but you can know enough to be useful in a given situation.


siliconecookies t1_j9xicis wrote

Compile a list of about 300 values by searching the Internet for 'list of values' and copying them into Word/Excel/write them on paper. Take 3 of them at a time and decide which one resonates most with you. Scratch out the rest. Continue until you have a list of 5. Then, identify what actions you need to take, or what habits you need to change that align with that list of 5 values. Then start implementing those changes. Doing this got me out of depression and gave me clarity on what to do with my life.


[deleted] t1_j9xwnx5 wrote



siliconecookies t1_j9ya0kj wrote

Your choice of values should be entirely based on your own opinion. Those that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside and not what society expects you to choose. It is not about what is correct or incorrect, but rather what aligns with what you, personally, find important.