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OhioTry t1_itqw29c wrote

Wasn't he an unrepentant Nazi?


Being-of-Dasein t1_itr46fl wrote

Yup, still a genius that more or less defined the early continental philosophical tradition along with Husserl and later Wittgenstein though.

Have to say that, personally, I think his ontology of being-in-the-world as an alternative to the subject/object (or mind/body) system is still revolutionary today though. Hard to understate his contribution to philosophy (massive influence on Satre).

But the man is morally repugnant. His mentor, Husserl, who more or less invented the philosophical system of phenomenology (which Heidegger heavily based his philosophy on) was a Jewish man, who he basically betrayed to get in with the Nazis. Terrible human being, and yet a proper once-in-a-generation type philosopher. Humans are complicated and Heidegger took that truth to the extreme.


bordain_de_putel t1_itri2fv wrote

>Humans are complicated

I think that's a bit of a cop out. The man was a nazi sympathiser and if your anecdote regarding his mentor is true then the man has no redeeming quality whatsoever.
Adhering to the nazi ideology isn't just something you do out of habit or because it's customary to do so.


Being-of-Dasein t1_itrj1ne wrote

Not trying to defend him at all. Just trying to say that the brilliance of his philosophy in contrast with his collosal moral failings is hard to explain. I know it's a cliché to say humans are complicated, but I struggle to find another way to put it. Just wanted to confirm that I think he is a reprehensible and disgusting human being for what he did; further, it's made even worse by the fact he never outright repented his actions either.


Howmanybutts t1_its7t97 wrote

The complicated part is that he did foundational and important work in the field of ontology and other areas of Philosophy, while being a morally viscous person. No one here is arguing his moral and political choices are complicated, they are simply and directly abhorrent - and we should acknowledge them as such.

Lets say a mathematician is a horrible person, a nazi even in this case. Yet they make a discovery of an equation that is highly valuable and even ground braking. The acknowledgment of the significance of the math they discovered shouldn't be thrown away because of their horrific moral and personal life. The two can be divorced as long as their moral character is remembered. The discovery in itself can be celebrated and praised for its own use, while simultaneously condemning the person who discovered it. The same here is being said of Heidegger.


TunaFree_DolphinMeat t1_ituar4f wrote

Yeah, I agree with this sentiment in general. If a person is morally repugnant or bankrupt that should be remembered. But their contributions to society aren't diminished because of that. You can absolutely cherry pick the good parts of a bad person's work.


iiioiia t1_itt5js7 wrote

>The man was a nazi sympathiser and if your anecdote regarding his mentor is true then the man has no redeeming quality whatsoever.

Show your work please.


[deleted] t1_itt8no2 wrote



iiioiia t1_ittaz26 wrote

Italics not sufficient I see...

> The man was a nazi sympathiser and if your anecdote regarding his mentor is true then the man has no redeeming quality whatsoever.

Show your work please.


glass_superman t1_ittdzmg wrote

And he fucked Hannah Arendt which makes no sense until you read about Hannah Arendt and realize that she was pretty weird in her whole life.


Bento_box_57 t1_ittud3q wrote

She was also a genius. Hannah might have been one of the smartest chain smokers to ever live.


glass_superman t1_itug82p wrote

With a soft spot for Nazis, both Heidegger and Eichmann. Sometimes I wonder if she just did it for the controversy but I think she truly did believe that the Nazis were, like they say, not bad people, just following orders.

She was also a racist with elitist attitudes against "Oriental" Jews which was common back then and actually still somewhat common today in Israel but obviously no longer acceptable among the educated. I'm a Moroccan Jew who she would have looked down upon, so kind of not a fan of her elitist yekke bullshit!

What a weirdo.


perceptualdissonance t1_its8s2y wrote

Yeah kind of funny that this is coming from a dead white man Nazi and getting attention when there's so many other sources to get this kind of info from. Like Indigenous peoples the world over who are still actively being genocided.
