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jhagen13 t1_iz0q1f2 wrote

Exactly. The shitting is always occurring, whether it's a result of our own choices or not. Life is cruel, random and unfair. We just do our best to remedy that or, at a minimum, mitigate it. Find the positive lessons or things to be grateful for and move on.


ddd12547 t1_iz0r8wm wrote

Agreed only the pattern seeking nature and the human inability to distinguish between abd avoid lumping all or miscategorizing this shit from that shit... can lead to a mistaken sense of a single shit source which while still unknowable could potentially be deduced *(im liking this more and more) a single cruel source negates random and amplifies unfair. The cruel piece of shit fact then becomes inescapable maybe life isnt a toilet we the observer are shit


jhagen13 t1_iz0ts1n wrote

And that last part is the hardest for people to grapple with. Admitting that one sees that they're wrong and not reality is a harsh but necessary (and freeing) epiphany.


ddd12547 t1_iz0v34f wrote

its also ego death, and tough to recover from. building and maintaining a sense of self after that sort of epiphany is a different kind of ill that philosophy is still trying to cure. Almost every trans-formative self narrative or post crisis identity salience is still at best slightly vulnerable and at worst fragile as hell.

I might have lost the plot along the way in this thread what was the question

I might


jhagen13 t1_iz0w20r wrote

Having lived through a soul-crushing event that destroyed my very identity and forced me to rebuild everything about myself....I can verify what you're saying. Strength comes with practice and surrounding oneself with good, like-minded people to help you steer the course.