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masterofallvillainy t1_j39rij3 wrote

I'm not sure what logic has to do with the reality we have. I get that people would use logic to try and understand the universe. But with obvious gaps in our knowledge and understanding. It makes sense that we can't make perfect sense of it.

Plus with reality operating under it's own laws and properties. It's possible we'll never be able to make logical sense of the universe.

Logic is also not absolute. And is fallible.


BrightThru2014 t1_j3a0reg wrote

I think that’s my point precisely actually — hence why the above poster is mistaken in viewing his opinion as the absolute truth regarding consciousness.


masterofallvillainy t1_j3a1lld wrote

I have a different take on it. He said what he thinks and explains his reasoning. Nothing absolute about that.


johnjohn4011 t1_j39ui06 wrote

Right. "Logic" is just a totally subjective self feedback loop, essentially reducible to unprovable assumptions. Nothing more.