Submitted by alphabetikalmarmoset t3_11ubzc3 in photoshopbattles
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[deleted] t1_jcnilco wrote
[deleted] t1_jcnk3xn wrote
Franticunravel t1_jcnm1bu wrote
[deleted] t1_jcns946 wrote
JazzVacuum t1_jcnswpr wrote
Someone please mix this with "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared"
RambleTamble2 t1_jcnu6c7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcnvef3 wrote
drums_addict t1_jcnw666 wrote
Cookie Monster looks like an old person who took their teeth out.
[deleted] t1_jcny11x wrote
[deleted] t1_jcnz0wl wrote
[deleted] t1_jcnznq5 wrote
sturgill_homme t1_jcnzt4g wrote
[deleted] t1_jcnzzhl wrote
[deleted] t1_jco0kja wrote
WetCoastLife t1_jco0tn0 wrote
[deleted] t1_jco102w wrote
SmoothOperator89 t1_jco12bp wrote
Semase Stert
Anton-LaVey t1_jco2abj wrote
With your favorites, Cokie Monster, Lemo, and Large Canary
[deleted] t1_jco2g5l wrote
peirrotlunaire t1_jco3aoz wrote
These are the comments I came for. Where’s Bort and Ernel?
Furrybumholecover t1_jco463o wrote
[deleted] t1_jco51jg wrote
undreamedgore t1_jco531b wrote
I remember doing that job.
[deleted] t1_jco5bus wrote
[deleted] t1_jco5otf wrote
doogs9 t1_jco5v4c wrote
Immidiatly thought of this. Well done.
scorch968 t1_jco69zf wrote
Onslo the grump
hughesst t1_jco6wyn wrote
[deleted] t1_jco6zpr wrote
[deleted] t1_jco717x wrote
[deleted] t1_jco77pa wrote
LordMeme42 t1_jco7h00 wrote
methame street
[deleted] t1_jco9133 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcoa2bf wrote
[deleted] t1_jcoa6u9 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcoe7q9 wrote
MiSsiLeR81 t1_jcoe8u3 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcoe9e9 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcoeryq wrote
JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_jcoeryr wrote
devinssss t1_jcofnd8 wrote
throwing was the worst way to start the work day
[deleted] t1_jcofozt wrote
[deleted] t1_jcogndx wrote
bbjony77 t1_jcoh85a wrote
Bill Bird, Smellmo, and Cracker Monster
[deleted] t1_jcoha3n wrote
_bald_ t1_jcohtc2 wrote
trancilo t1_jcoi5y6 wrote
Very well made. The look on elmos face...
[deleted] t1_jcoiahh wrote
[deleted] t1_jcoibav wrote
staticthreat t1_jcoik18 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcojcad wrote
Alarmed-Wolf14 t1_jcojgvt wrote
Someone did now
[deleted] t1_jcok0jm wrote
[deleted] t1_jcokf1a wrote
Halmagha t1_jcol1iz wrote
Green is not a creative colour
[deleted] t1_jcomdi4 wrote
[deleted] t1_jconftf wrote
[deleted] t1_jconpak wrote
TheAngelPeterGabriel t1_jcooevd wrote
That's what I thought they looked like when I first saw them
kirbyverano123 t1_jcoouu5 wrote
There's six of us. There's six of us. Look closely you will see!
HaloAnthony t1_jcop0ap wrote
Oh my god, I currently do this. Never before have I related so much to an edit that made me feel so happy to see and sad at the same time
[deleted] t1_jcopuja wrote
stealth443 t1_jcopwek wrote
Those are yellow manager badge's. You'd never see them throwing the truck.
JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_jcoq19r wrote
Right? how ironic, the biggest corporate machine producing something so horrible we all immediately zone in on its parody.
Found Žižek’s G-spot
[deleted] t1_jcoqhq1 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcoqm3y wrote
[deleted] t1_jcor1e4 wrote
AwkwrdPrtMskrt t1_jcor8ow wrote
Can you tell me how to get
How to get outta Sesame Street
[deleted] t1_jcorcgo wrote
[deleted] t1_jcorubl wrote
OscarDeltaAlpha t1_jcos14z wrote
LSD, Cocaine and edibles.
MinnieShoof t1_jcot1yg wrote
... ... yep. All 3 track. Good call.
MinnieShoof t1_jcot4na wrote
I was gonna say Med Bird, Hydrox Fiend and ElmmoooooOOOOMYGOD.
[deleted] t1_jcotnry wrote
[deleted] t1_jcou691 wrote
CapnsJamborie t1_jcov0k9 wrote
funkadunk8 t1_jcov4og wrote
Please we need a big bird you know I had to do it to em
TheGlassCat t1_jcovhrn wrote
Muppets Take Manhattan
olwerdolwer t1_jcow2t3 wrote
lol what's the story with that dude
[deleted] t1_jcowbaj wrote
amBoringGuy t1_jcowgsj wrote
You are an absolute treasure.
[deleted] t1_jcowola wrote
ThePrussianGrippe t1_jcowyms wrote
Now let’s all agree to never be creative again.
[deleted] t1_jcoxatt wrote
[deleted] t1_jcoye32 wrote
swarm_of_badgers t1_jcoz1d4 wrote
That is a photograph of Gary Busey, an actor, at a St. Patrick’s Day parade in Hot Springs, AR.
I love this edit lol
[deleted] t1_jcoz469 wrote
beakrake t1_jcoz643 wrote
Pesky bee...
OMIGHTY1 t1_jcozdq1 wrote
I love you.
[deleted] t1_jcozlme wrote
[deleted] t1_jcozocf wrote
JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_jcozt6j wrote
name kinda checks ;)
[deleted] t1_jcp22ou wrote
Pork_katsu t1_jcp237j wrote
What a beautifully loaded truck. Not a level box or solid tier in sight.
[deleted] t1_jcp3a90 wrote
LouFink t1_jcp3pq4 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcp4hke wrote
undreamedgore t1_jcp53vg wrote
It was worse during the height of the day. The heat just overwhelmed.
[deleted] t1_jcp65wy wrote
[deleted] t1_jcp6lii wrote
[deleted] t1_jcp721k wrote
[deleted] t1_jcp7ezr wrote
Meat_Robot t1_jcp9fk8 wrote
Discoballer42 t1_jcpagq3 wrote
They will judge you for your sins
[deleted] t1_jcpaqxu wrote
[deleted] t1_jcpawgj wrote
DJDarwin93 t1_jcpb2ix wrote
It’s even worse in Florida. Speaking from experience unfortunately.
[deleted] t1_jcpceqi wrote
[deleted] t1_jcpdms8 wrote
nsfw10101 t1_jcpfxg5 wrote
They gotta work on those L’s and T’s. And then take all the smaller boxes and chuck them over the top.
twiehl t1_jcpg79v wrote
Thank you I was waiting for this!
Songmorning t1_jcpi6wv wrote
They fit in perfectly!
JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_jcpier1 wrote
IKR? It was just waiting to happen
BrokenEight38 t1_jcpit8n wrote
Plain white sauce makes your teeth go grey.
christophlc6 t1_jcpizp5 wrote
I use my hair to express myself...
ProfessorStencil t1_jcpj1ga wrote
metroidfan220 t1_jcpjdi1 wrote
This is my local Walmart and they are doubling down. They deleted the original post and posted a new picture, which is also being torn apart online.
alexisjperez t1_jcpk79e wrote
[deleted] t1_jcpkloe wrote
[deleted] t1_jcpkmsd wrote
[deleted] t1_jcpkwna wrote
[deleted] t1_jcpl4w3 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcplhae wrote
[deleted] t1_jcpm7x6 wrote
BizzyM t1_jcpn090 wrote
Well, that just reminded me of high school...
[deleted] t1_jcpopc7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcporqm wrote
JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_jcppjti wrote
Now. let's all agree... to never be creative
[deleted] t1_jcppla2 wrote
dystopika t1_jcpq00j wrote
[deleted] t1_jcprmmr wrote
flipitandstickit t1_jcpsphm wrote
This is exactly what I thought of when I first saw this
The_Bison_King t1_jcpuftq wrote
Cielnova t1_jcpupo8 wrote
Why is big bird stanced up
[deleted] t1_jcpuukk wrote
[deleted] t1_jcpveez wrote
[deleted] t1_jcpy0se wrote
Izenthyr t1_jcpzhza wrote
Mood, my friend.
I witnessed a half-full trailer yesterday stacked like a hallway with chewy boxes to the ceiling. Nobody wanted to touch it.
[deleted] t1_jcq0myo wrote
Blanked_________Out t1_jcq0v3t wrote
Green is not a creative color
[deleted] t1_jcq1g1b wrote
[deleted] t1_jcq1nvh wrote
[deleted] t1_jcq2ulc wrote
[deleted] t1_jcq3khq wrote
RoyanRannedos t1_jcq3l69 wrote
Digital style!
tverofvulcan t1_jcq4o79 wrote
Elmo’s face makes it perfect.
enjolras1782 t1_jcq5a88 wrote
You must feed him!
Feed him gravel
[deleted] t1_jcq5d0l wrote
that_red_panda t1_jcq5vd9 wrote
And we live in an actUAL NIGHTMARE!!!!
[deleted] t1_jcq64g0 wrote
Kent_Noseworthy t1_jcq6597 wrote
Tickle my Elmo
shadowsofthesun t1_jcq6lvv wrote
Brings new context to Big Bird's hands.
If_U_Seek_Emmy t1_jcq6svl wrote
Berg berd, hellmo and asscer the gronch
[deleted] t1_jcq7g7n wrote
[deleted] t1_jcq7oac wrote
Klin24 t1_jcq7ph5 wrote
Rowsdower32 t1_jcq8ad0 wrote
You had all Summer to figure this out!
[deleted] t1_jcqa0ro wrote
[deleted] t1_jcqabae wrote
[deleted] t1_jcqdwig wrote
[deleted] t1_jcqe0sk wrote
thefartographer t1_jcqfcpd wrote
That was a good laugh, thanks!
[deleted] t1_jcqfxna wrote
hdofu t1_jcqho99 wrote
Tanski14 t1_jcqjg8k wrote
Tickle my elbow
SatansCouncil t1_jcqjqoo wrote
Tickle my esophagus.
[deleted] t1_jcqkudp wrote
[deleted] t1_jcqldqg wrote
[deleted] t1_jcqnzd8 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcqopmc wrote
nine3cubed t1_jcqpp8l wrote
Completely random, but that's at a Toys R Us, I'm 98% positive.
AdamInvader t1_jcqr5yd wrote
That is the statement of the 21st century followed by "Hey, who let him have a firearm?"
[deleted] t1_jcqsa9e wrote
[deleted] t1_jcqsrzb wrote
[deleted] t1_jcqtp7p wrote
Eruzuna t1_jcqulj4 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcqxanx wrote
tacoweevils t1_jcqyeky wrote
That is for your special one
[deleted] t1_jcqz0jn wrote
[deleted] t1_jcqzp46 wrote
camtako t1_jcr0ua1 wrote
“We didn’t start the fire”
[deleted] t1_jcr1qse wrote
UltHamBro t1_jcr21no wrote
I was expecting the mandatory reference to DHMIS.
[deleted] t1_jcr2h8c wrote
[deleted] t1_jcr2jx7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcr3abi wrote
[deleted] t1_jcr42u1 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcrduun wrote
[deleted] t1_jcrjg53 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcrqrzn wrote
[deleted] t1_jcrsx2k wrote
[deleted] t1_jcrv7bj wrote
[deleted] t1_jcrvatt wrote
[deleted] t1_jcrw7nz wrote
JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_jcs0zvq wrote
hahahaha, best bit
JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_jcs2okg wrote
Hey this is fun
JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_jcsfivq wrote
Hehehe… harder
semibacony t1_jcsjpxg wrote
plop_0 t1_jcwmgh5 wrote
That fucking NYC sad-looking Elmo makes me crack up so hard every time.
[deleted] t1_jcwmjs3 wrote
plop_0 t1_jcwmo5l wrote
hahahahaha. Loved that series.
The Big Bird would've been better.
I'm crying with laughter. omg.
plop_0 t1_jcwmtv0 wrote
plop_0 t1_jcwmysa wrote
> Hydrox Fiend
hahahahahaha. Muffin Destroyer. Biscuit baron.
plop_0 t1_jcwn0ju wrote
> which is also being torn apart online.
hahahaha. omg. Really?! Link?
[deleted] t1_jcx2mvc wrote
Simple_Time_2621 t1_jdytv2z wrote
[deleted] t1_je1xkkc wrote
AutoModerator t1_jcnfana wrote
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