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Condex t1_isodi5p wrote

Yeah, I took one look at the photo and thought, "That's not just any 'bird' that's a cassowary."

So ... like, did crime scene investigators recover the photo from a mutilated mess just barely identifiable as human?

EDIT: To be fair, maybe the photo was taken by a drone or someone who can run very fast.


flintza t1_isoyq3g wrote

Since people seem to be seeing this.. bird trivia pedants you should also be playing Wingspan (board or digital) if you aren’t already. Truuuuust me you’ll enjoy it 😁


phosix t1_isq0j4l wrote

I know you're being funny, but they literally are dinosaurs; specifically ratites (and all birds) are classified as theropods, having split off from the same lineage that would give rise to velociraptors and T. Rex some 160mya. With the ratites splitting off from the rest of the avian dinosaurs around some 80mya.


DragonLordofErie t1_isqd70t wrote

I feel like these would be great against enemy insurgents just raise up a bunch of them and give him a bunch of steroids and other drugs and just parachute them in I mean really what could be more surprising than 50 murderous cassowaries.


HanaLuLu t1_isqo6y4 wrote

Literally my immediate reaction was to say, actually aloud, "That is a Cassowary, stay the frick away!!" while noting the eggs are helpfully bright green so you can spot and then avoid them from a distance