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cocoaphillia t1_j3q8goa wrote

Same; that would be absolutely nuts. I've loved that game for a very long time now, and it's crazy what huge Leviathans people have added to it with mods and such. I'd never thought of a giant turtle one, though... that sounds so cool.


Pandatotheface t1_j3q9vgx wrote

>it's crazy what huge Leviathans people have added to it with mods

Oh? I've not looked into the modding scene for it.

Edit: damn, looks like things have changed a ton since I last looked at subnautica, and now I have a PC that can actually run VR well... Guess I know what I'm doing.


Qeric99 t1_j3qtq0i wrote

Hot take, but as good as the original was (and as decent as the second was), number 3 is going to start to feel a little too familiar unless they really do something to shake up the gameplay and narrative. Hope they take their time with it.