Submitted by RealHarambae t3_107y1a6 in photoshopbattles
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[deleted] t1_j3p4yla wrote
Houki01 t1_j3pdxr6 wrote
It isn't happy.
azpilot06 t1_j3pjgez wrote
TFW when you just wanted a salad, and you inadvertently open a portal to the underworld.
[deleted] t1_j3pohq6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3pq9sb wrote
[deleted] t1_j3psc9o wrote
[deleted] t1_j3psu0z wrote
[deleted] t1_j3pvyui wrote
tucci007 t1_j3pwd35 wrote
somebody do Pink Floyd The Wall pls
Affectionate_Room_38 t1_j3pxhml wrote It's a bell pepper from hell... The Hell Pepper.
[deleted] t1_j3py0zq wrote
[deleted] t1_j3pzwob wrote
[deleted] t1_j3q0w4c wrote
doucheydp t1_j3q2ahi wrote
[deleted] t1_j3q331x wrote
[deleted] t1_j3q38kg wrote
i_am_a_bot_ama t1_j3q3od0 wrote
^^^requested ^^^by: ^^^/u/tucci007
MehdiUsef207 t1_j3q4gpl wrote
[deleted] t1_j3qbmm2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3qdl7k wrote
arionem t1_j3qdpwa wrote Munching pepers
IDCblahface t1_j3qhyft wrote
Featuring Flea, on bass
Ukuthul4 t1_j3qifft wrote
This was also my first association. Great edit!
FBlack t1_j3qlr69 wrote
Image has been removed
[deleted] t1_j3qm7pa wrote
OhNoMoMan t1_j3qmshq wrote
Kinda reminds me of Anaconda.
Sheepgurt t1_j3qn438 wrote
0tterr t1_j3qttv5 wrote
This is clearly Reaper from Overwatch
[deleted] t1_j3qudjl wrote
Albert_Borland t1_j3qv1k9 wrote
I want this on my wall
damien665 t1_j3qvuzd wrote
The Peppersher
[deleted] t1_j3qwitb wrote
masterdka t1_j3qwk6o wrote
Doom guy has entered the chat
SuspiciouslyElven t1_j3qwvlq wrote
Soyjack + pepper = pepper jack
tehsdragon t1_j3qxtbc wrote
This is exactly what I wanted to see going into this thread, beautiful
AussieJimboLives t1_j3r31px wrote
Wilson the Volleyball has been through some shit
[deleted] t1_j3r33ck wrote
WetCoastLife t1_j3r392m wrote
[deleted] t1_j3r4hvd wrote
[deleted] t1_j3r5759 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3r61p7 wrote
_punk_in_drublic_ t1_j3r66au wrote
I was thinking Cho'Goth from lol
[deleted] t1_j3r6k18 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3r8j5t wrote
[deleted] t1_j3r9p2d wrote
[deleted] t1_j3ram31 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3rbfap wrote
OrangeSpiralweedExpr t1_j3rd8s1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3rdj8r wrote
[deleted] t1_j3redl5 wrote
mberg2007 t1_j3rfn8v wrote
This is wonderful, well done 😊
[deleted] t1_j3rgj6x wrote
Phoequinox t1_j3rhytu wrote
Sounds like a pepper marinated in worcestershire, which sounds delicious.
BelieveInDestiny t1_j3rjwcn wrote
thou? it's "you"
edit: I know it's "old" English; I'm saying the quote is wrong.
[deleted] t1_j3rjz64 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3rk24u wrote
Hostillian t1_j3rlgf8 wrote
It's Thy Lord of the Rings. Biblical version.
monkeyhind t1_j3rmcyy wrote
We're on a roller coaster to Bell!
[deleted] t1_j3rmjv3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3rmy5p wrote
op_is_asshole t1_j3rnj7r wrote
This is awesome 😂.
[deleted] t1_j3rolb5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3rpa4w wrote
ratrodder49 t1_j3rq6jv wrote
My instantaneous thought when I saw the prompt was “I stg if someone doesn’t do Scream”
Thunder-Invader t1_j3rqm4e wrote
Old English
[deleted] t1_j3rrac1 wrote
can_dry t1_j3rt21e wrote
If I wasn't epileptic before... I am now. 🤣👍🏼
[deleted] t1_j3rv2hf wrote
[deleted] t1_j3rynhg wrote
[deleted] t1_j3ryv3y wrote
[deleted] t1_j3rzvma wrote
[deleted] t1_j3s18fy wrote
[deleted] t1_j3s22hr wrote
[deleted] t1_j3s3lvx wrote
Preposturous t1_j3s4j4l wrote red hot chili pepper
[deleted] t1_j3s8c3u wrote
[deleted] t1_j3sb0b4 wrote
darthkotya t1_j3sb3qj wrote
All I can think of is THIS IS SPARTA!
[deleted] t1_j3sfp9a wrote
[deleted] t1_j3sihvm wrote
ShakeWeightMyDick t1_j3skit3 wrote
Modern English, actually. Elizabethan/Shakespearean English from the 1600s is still considered Modern English. Old English is basically an entirely different language.
arionem t1_j3slhkb wrote
Thank you
arionem t1_j3sm3ra wrote
It wasn't there, got up early and had to do my duty
[deleted] t1_j3smhup wrote
Walkinator007 t1_j3snr4y wrote
This was my first thought so I'm glad someone did it.
[deleted] t1_j3sohao wrote
[deleted] t1_j3spcl3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3ss3nn wrote
[deleted] t1_j3ssjq6 wrote
Wannie- t1_j3st1dq wrote
420BlazeitSwag2DaMax t1_j3stvzv wrote
[deleted] t1_j3suuxm wrote
TheW83 t1_j3sv1a7 wrote
Yours is actually better than the currently top rated (and nearly identical) post.
[deleted] t1_j3swlhb wrote
A_n0nnee_M0usee t1_j3syegc wrote
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bravo 👏 on title and execution.
tretower424 t1_j3t2mxx wrote
Screamingly hot pepper? Nicely done! I think Munch would be proud!
tretower424 t1_j3t2tb3 wrote
tretower424 t1_j3t4u3i wrote
“You have entered the Capsaicin Void!!!
Surrender, immediately to your new overlord, Sean Evans, or prepare to meet your doom in the Ghost Pepper Nebulaaaaa!!!!”
tretower424 t1_j3t53p3 wrote
Awww…Sweet (Pepper)!
BelieveInDestiny t1_j3t57o0 wrote
I know it's old English. I'm saying that neither in the book nor the movie does it say "thou".
garyh62483 t1_j3th61j wrote
This is amazingly outside the box!
[deleted] t1_j3thzvj wrote
Agreed! Both are great though
[deleted] t1_j3trgtw wrote
Jolphin t1_j3u1g04 wrote
Looks like the fish in iron lung. Can't photoshop right now, so just leaving said observation here instead.
[deleted] t1_j3u4igg wrote
[deleted] t1_j3u7a8g wrote
ratrodder49 t1_j3uf276 wrote
A true legend among men
jbxmachina t1_j3ush6y wrote
[deleted] t1_j3uso39 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3vu322 wrote
spiritcs t1_j3w6la3 wrote
Concerfate t1_j3xtju4 wrote one mad snake
Ntras t1_j4n38j3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6hzfqz wrote
AutoModerator t1_j3p4q6n wrote
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