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spookyjibe t1_j9x1ymu wrote

I wish they wouldn't use Zelenski's name; it paints even more of a target on him and his family.

I almost want to hear less of him, because if we keep hearing more and more, the last piece of news will be of his death. Eventually, Putin's assassins will get him...


Iwamoto OP t1_j9xrle2 wrote

I mean, he;s the president of the country, he;s quite a visible person, he's the one going to every summit etc, it's not like the russians might forget about him if we just stay quiet.

i understand your sentiment, don't get me wrong, but please understand that i's not like he can "step back" at this point, it's a bit like bill gates - microsoft or jeff bezos - amazon, they're both not CEO anymore but people still think they are, even after stepping back.


Malkav1806 t1_j9y44kp wrote

More of a target? How? He is already prio 1


BirdOfSteel t1_j9yn5tm wrote

The media isn't really something that changes the minds of most leaders. If you're invading a country, you're going to spend a lot of time thinking about who you're invading


ttylyl t1_ja3zxub wrote

World leaders know news isn’t for info, it’s for dissemination of state ideas. Especially in Russia