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WerewolfCircus t1_jcv7h7s wrote

Yes you are pathetic I agree. Don't hit your wife!


themagicbong t1_jcv7s64 wrote

Says the guy doing the pathetic behavior and attempting to psychoanalyze someone online over a single comment/interaction with them. Lmfao.


WerewolfCircus t1_jcvcc6g wrote

Woof. Try not to take everything on the internet personally, and try to talk less sarcastically. It'll get you somewhere.


themagicbong t1_jcx9xn2 wrote

Yep, I'd surely take advice from you. And its just reddit, man. Nothing to take seriously. Especially some bullshit like this, haha. I do find it funny the crazy reactions from people like you deciding you know all about me and all that. Its always fuckin hilarious when people try to do some insane shit like that based on just about zero. And the response in general is pretty insane to say to someone over some innocuous joke they made.

Imagine passing someone at work, they tell a joke, and you come at them with "you're the type to never admit fault in an argument and must make everyone around you miserable," lmfao.


theDart t1_jcvajf8 wrote

This guy has been explaining from the beginning what he meant by the "sarcastic" comment, y'know the little diddy about old mcdonald that apparently drove you to your core?

Give it a rest, child. He made one joke and outwardly admitted to not knowing anything of the acronym, when your reply was so pithy to begin with, "Well I know it, so...!"

Now you tell him to "not beat his wife?" LMAO goodness gracious take a step back and breathe a moment will ya.
