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DrPootytang t1_jcvevw3 wrote

Wonderful argument: “If it’s so well known then how come I haven’t heard of it?” Even has its own wiki entry


hawkinsst7 t1_jcwcje1 wrote

Heh. I once trolled an old boss with this. He was very much into fashion. Me, not so much.

So I was looking for shoes to go with a tux when I was in Rome, and I wandered into some store near the Spanish steps. Looked at their shoes, too fancy and expensive and I left.

Day or two later I was chatting with him, and I described to him where I went. "I think it was something like Feragami or something."

"salvadore Ferragamo?! That place is super famous?"

"nah, if they were that famous, I'd have heard of it. You want famous, look at Dockers."

I knew what he meant, but it was totally worth it to hear him have a stroke when I compared dockers to high Italian fashion.

It may be high quality. It may be well known in an industry. But to me, super famous means the layperson who isn't involved in the industry is aware of it. It'sgotten so much air time, that it's percolate out of the enthusiast realm.


themagicbong t1_jcxb4iy wrote

Its literally not the same. I'm not a politician trying to decide on some policy that affects everyone, or anything like that. In this instance, someone is saying something is so popular, everyone knows what it is. Saying I don't isnt just arguing from anecdote, its actually relevant. Because I was only asking a damn question. I never made an argument about whether this media is the most popular in the world. its the reverse, if anything. You should be saying this to the other guy, who claimed that the media was so well known, because even they knew what it was. The burden isn't exactly on ME to prove that I haven't heard of it, as is the case in this instance. I already declared that, openly. I was only asking what the media was, and they told me essentially "everyone knows about this." Which makes "I don't know about this" perfectly reasonable as a response. I'm not exactly debating this person. I'm responding to what they just said to me. Its not a statement meant to prove anything other than their bar for what "everyone has seen this" means is clearly too high, and I'm saying at the same time that I haven't/didn't know what it was. Thats it. I'm not speaking for anyone else. As well, that person saying "everyone does know about this" is just as much of a generalization as ME saying "not everyone does."