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themagicbong t1_jcyknht wrote

Actually. Theres all of fucking 3 or 4 of you fuckin weirdos that said anything like that. There were just as many that voiced an opinion similar to my own. You're absolutely fuckin ridiculous, and I hope you have a great day. Take care, dickhead. You were FAR more insufferable, and I hardly said anything more than a fuckin joke before you judgemental pricks went off the deep end with your absolute JOKE of comments towards me.

Also since I can't reply to the bullshit comment underneath this one, u/step-father_of_lies

Look who's fucking talking dude. Wtf is wrong with you? Someone needs to smack the shit outta you, probably just havent had that happen yet in your life, but you will.


BookDumb-StreetDumb t1_jcys025 wrote

Woof. Good luck out there. Have a good one.


themagicbong t1_jcysavy wrote

I like the woofs, not gonna lie. What kinda dog are you? But hey, no hard feelings, pal. Take care, hope you have a good one, as well.

lol you really blocked me? you guys are even more lame than I was giving you credit for.


Step-Father_of_Lies t1_jczosq1 wrote

Holy fuck you are in denial. You should have shut your fucking mouth long long ago but you just kept digging. It's truly amazing how you weren't able to step back and say, "Maybe I was wrong a bit" but no, you just push on.