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PagingDrHuman t1_iugvx59 wrote

So I recently learned pineapple decorartions in front of peoples house is a secret symbol they're in the swinging community. Is the pineapple of that tradition anyway related?


Boomstick101 t1_iuhyn1q wrote

Uh no. The pineapple was a sensation when it was brought back by Columbus. Wealthy people then had a greenhouse arms race to try to cultivate it in Europe. Because it was super expensive and a luxury it became a symbol of wealth with ridiculous schemes like renting a pineapple for your party to show off or buying one and having it sit as long as possible. Decorative Architecture then incorporated the pineapple as a symbol of hospitality and that is why you see lots of pineapples pop up in architecture.


Lurch_murrgh t1_iuhflzy wrote

No one forgets seeing OMO laundry detergent in people's front window.


Alconox t1_iuicb8m wrote

Specifically upside down pineapples