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Za_Lords_Guard t1_iufin93 wrote

Jesus. Don't let George Lucas find out. He will show up at your door with a CGI team.


ishook t1_iuglkx0 wrote

The sounds of CGI nerds struggling to kick in your windows. Eventually you let them in and they start feverishly painting your walls green.

Source, am cgi nerd


worldwar2nerd280 OP t1_iufitaa wrote

I have watched this at my grandparents house and the best way to put the cgi is very 1970s/1980s


Za_Lords_Guard t1_iufj7oa wrote

Well yes. It was from that era, but it's the OG version. Rare as hen's teeth these days and before it was improved beyond recognition.

I rmember going to see it in the theater with my dad. Hokey as the fx were at the time it was mind blowing.


worldwar2nerd280 OP t1_iufjrhq wrote

I’m not 100% sure it’s that it’s original. But I know it’s from 1982 or before. Also VHS was long before my time. I found this at my grandparents house


Scrapbookee t1_iufw4et wrote

What they mean by original is that the version of the movie is the original theatrical release. You can't buy it on DVD or Bluray, only the changed versions.


dudeitsmeee t1_iufxh0y wrote

The version Lucas didn’t puke back up on, the version everyone wants to have been left the fuck alone


Za_Lords_Guard t1_iufk63k wrote

Released on VHS May, 1982. Not gonna get rich off it, but surely worth nerd cred.


Vince_Clortho042 t1_iufnwqy wrote

You know the original doesn't have any computer graphics save for the Death Star schematic the take out of R2, right? That's 100% motion control, models, and optical compositing.


ascii42 t1_iufp5xk wrote

The original Star Wars had almost no CGI (basically just the stuff displayed on computer screens within the movie). Here's an old featurette on how they did some of the effects:


tnic73 t1_iugi4mb wrote

CGI did not exist for another decade. There was no CGI in the Return of the Jedi six years latter.


MarkG1 t1_iuia15n wrote

I was going to say it needs cracking open and digitising then quietly distributing so we can finally watch it without the CG shit again


Za_Lords_Guard t1_iuiaf2o wrote

100%. All the revisions are fine, but leave the original available. Remaster and upscale at most. Han shot first and I refuse to live in a world where he didn't.