Kimmie-Cakes t1_iuia2s5 wrote
Baba Yaga
Cloverhart t1_iuibcah wrote
Totally random but I really appreciate how clean and neat your nails look. Nice costume!
errol_timo_malcom t1_iuif7aw wrote
I think it’s Pro Duck Hunt Gamer
schroedingersnewcat t1_iuifhkb wrote
Even on an obvious toy, thank you for observing trigger discipline. That makes me batshit crazy.
Also, great costume.
[deleted] t1_iuige3z wrote
OfCourseIKnowHim t1_iuigjun wrote
He’s the one they send to kill the boogeyman.
Booblicle t1_iuihenz wrote
Women do notice these details. Somehow I've forgotten that. Most men are without this type of meticulous attention
Goowatchi t1_iuiiaci wrote
Agreed, his index finger is correctly positioned, always ready to give belly rubs.
Violated-Tristen t1_iuil6uf wrote
Love the commitment.
ty_kanye_vcool t1_iuilbb9 wrote
John Wick starring Steve Nash
[deleted] t1_iuilg6u wrote
imajokerimasmoker t1_iuipc3a wrote
I knew who you were immediately, the haters can pound sand.
charszmasaj t1_iuiu3we wrote
Trade offer?
Doxxxxxxxxxxx t1_iuivdbr wrote
Yesssssss, so good!!!
sarahtheginger26 t1_iuj1lku wrote
The choice of dog and gun makes the costume that much better. Keep it playful but immediately know who you are
jenglasser t1_iuj4eu6 wrote
Love it.
RimoseGold t1_iuj5a12 wrote
Love your costume! It's perfect!
alekspiridonov t1_iuj8lsp wrote
You should add a halo to the toy dog.
chan_jkv t1_iujgphq wrote
If you're going to commit, COMMIT!
ale2999 t1_iujo5yt wrote
This was my guess before John Wick came to mind
CimmerianX t1_iujprw9 wrote
Where's the "fucking pencil"?
onedummyboi t1_iujqmrc wrote
-git commit
"418 errors detected"
Kerrlhaus OP t1_iujr2sq wrote
Thanks for the compliment!?
Kerrlhaus OP t1_iujr621 wrote
I can thank my daughter for the stuffed animal and my son for the pistol.
Worried_Magician794 t1_iujrc52 wrote
Umm okay
sarahtheginger26 t1_iujrs0r wrote
Even better, it's a whole family costume
Jasoman t1_iujuv6r wrote
Special Matthew Perry
MusicalDeath9991 t1_iujx6ti wrote
Who the hell is Paul Rod?
simsomsam t1_iujxc80 wrote
Here , I fixed it
Gloomlusti t1_iujzb11 wrote
You look like the guy in the offer meme
anser_one t1_iuk1ryd wrote
a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will
OH_NO_MR_BILL t1_iuk2a4u wrote
Cursedbythedicegods t1_iuk2h0u wrote
The Boogeyman?
tjhcreative t1_iuk2na9 wrote
A FUCKING pencil!
Inheimers_jokes t1_iuk3x6l wrote
Looks awesome
StoopidJohnny t1_iuk418n wrote
Bro that’s Awesume I’m going to do this next year thanks
Ok_Mechanic_753 t1_iuk5621 wrote
Nailed it!
wunderbarvik t1_iuk6h74 wrote
slaytallica36 t1_iuk6oin wrote
Keep going. I grew mine out for Lebowski and never looked back
bluewatersailing t1_iuk84gd wrote
Ok you win.
fergehtabodit t1_iuk8woy wrote
I was thinking Hans Gruber but then I saw the dog and thought Hans...boobie...there's no dog in die hard hard
GotDamLochnessMonsta t1_iui9nrt wrote
You've still got time to get a #2 pencil!