jenglasser t1_jddn3ka wrote
Reply to comment by BarbequedYeti in Bravery medals for women who raced into 'rough, crazy' surf to save drowning girls by Sariel007
Weight loss starts in the kitchen. Fitness is a different issue, although related.
jenglasser t1_jddbcf1 wrote
Reply to Bravery medals for women who raced into 'rough, crazy' surf to save drowning girls by Sariel007
This kind of shit right here is why I need to get into better shape. If I had rushed in to help, we just all would have died.
jenglasser t1_j9mn42p wrote
Reply to comment by gjr23 in Women with satisfying relationships tend to have fewer chronic illnesses by BlitzOrion
Exactly this. As someone who suffers from a chronic illness I can tell you absolutely the only reason I'm not in a relationship is because of my health problems. I would certainly have a much higher chance of being in a satisfying one if I had the physical strength to just be in one in the first place.
jenglasser t1_j9a08or wrote
Reply to comment by kangareddit in It followed me home. by Ginger_Jesus9311
No, it is improperly hung TV man.
jenglasser t1_j6fjoth wrote
Reply to Summer Midnight In Helsinki, Finland [OC] by Jormakalevi
jenglasser t1_j5w9fnc wrote
Reply to comment by ilikeplantsandsuch in A new study has linked nitrates in processed meat to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes by BlitzOrion
You speak the true true.
jenglasser t1_j3zg39v wrote
It looks good to me.
jenglasser t1_j28t26h wrote
Reply to comment by Zealousideal_Ad642 in TIL of the neenish tart - a type of pastry popular only in New Zealand, Australia and ... the Falkland Islands. by ScissorNightRam
You guys are making me hungry.
jenglasser t1_iuj4eu6 wrote
Love it.
jenglasser t1_iuipnjc wrote
Reply to Zuuls knew wht it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you! by Annahsbananas
This is fantastic.
jenglasser t1_jde6zew wrote
Reply to comment by TheBoctor in Bravery medals for women who raced into 'rough, crazy' surf to save drowning girls by Sariel007
Damn, that's scary. Glad you both are okay.