yttikat OP t1_itl691i wrote
I knew there was a method behind this madness. I’m going back for it.
Dont_Kill_The_Hooker t1_itodah0 wrote
[deleted] t1_itllphd wrote
drstu3000 t1_itla3dy wrote
Cure covid with this one weird trick!
yttikat OP t1_itla85y wrote
Don’t let Moderna know!
diesSaturni t1_itlanuc wrote
Well, eating 2 garlib bulbs a day will keep Covid carriers at a respectful distance.
So it act more like a substitute for a vacine, rather than a cure.
windol1 t1_itlo30q wrote
And potential vampire attacks.
[deleted] t1_itlmdvj wrote
Bkwrzdub t1_itlp7mn wrote you're saying its better than ivermectin
lostalaska t1_itn5mtt wrote
You'a feed'a the cold to get rid of it. Awww crap, this is why people say I'm racist, apostrophe'd "A's" on all muh words'as.
yttikat OP t1_itn917s wrote
What in the hillbilly heckers.
EvilRedRobot t1_itl6d0y wrote
Well, if it's spicy enough, it can open up your sinuses.
errol_timo_malcom t1_itl7x3k wrote
I’d like a large one topping pizza - let’s go with Zyrtec.
Can I use my HSA card for that?
yttikat OP t1_itl9sln wrote
Don’t push it!
Matren2 t1_itmatiy wrote
Italian Breathe Right strips.
yttikat OP t1_itmawsn wrote
Take this damn updoot
zenfrodo t1_itlh3xi wrote
Can't be any worse than all the other bs flu "remedies". At least with pepperoni, you're getting protein and good pepperoni.
Tractorhash t1_itlfnrv wrote
This probably has to do with supply chain issues. Stores wil place other products on shelves that they are not able to fill up. Why did they choose pepperoni? I don't know, but as a father the wife is always sending me for kids medicine so I appreciate the thought.
yttikat OP t1_itmb2hz wrote
Super markets being bros.
SteveBennett7g t1_itl3vbt wrote
Republican healthcare?
yttikat OP t1_itl5lje wrote
Hahhahaha I’m afraid to ask what that means
dcivili t1_itl76as wrote
Hopes and prayers only
iChronocos t1_itl7w6j wrote
Hopes and prayers - now with pepperoni!
moleware t1_itmkv8l wrote
Hopes and prayers and capitalism™!
ThingThatsJustBegun t1_itlas9j wrote
"Did it work?"
"It didn't not work..."
yttikat OP t1_itlba4v wrote
“But did you die?”
Korbelious t1_itnhvx3 wrote
No reply in over 8 hours.... we can only conclude one thing...
DetroitEv t1_itlhozj wrote
Lick a Carolina reaper. You'll be drained and cleared out. Works Everytime
yttikat OP t1_itlioch wrote
But how long does that last?
DetroitEv t1_itlk7q7 wrote
The severe pain/hot is about 20-30 minutes. First wave is a shock but 10-15 min later it's twice as bad lol never use water. It spreads worse.
Basically it drain all the stuffy-ness. Makes me feel much better for a few hours. Whenever I get colds and sick. Chew hot peppers and vitamin c drinks heavy first thing in morning and at night. Flushes all that crap out of your body. Oddly enough it seems to work for me. Zinc tabs too. I forget name but they lay under tongue and dissolve.
yttikat OP t1_itlkgr8 wrote
The diarrhea is an added bonus, flush the system of toxins. This is sounding more and more promising
DetroitEv t1_itlkoto wrote
I don't get diarrehea cause I don't eat them, I mostly chew or even just a lick does the work. Rub a finger across it's broken skin and then touch your lip for one moment, that will be enough to hurt.
Also, amusing trick at the bar. Rub one against a straw or rim of a friends drink. It's amusing.
yttikat OP t1_itlkvyv wrote
What are you Dr.Eville?!
DetroitEv t1_itll42u wrote
Usually bring them to bar because there is always a tough guy with a few drinks in their belly who thinks they aren't shit and eats it whole, the spends next hour or two dying and crying and puking and going around looking like they're balling their eyes out
alien_from_Europa t1_itnqds7 wrote
Or just use Afrin in your nose and take Sudafed like a normal person.
yttikat OP t1_itnrss5 wrote
You’re no fun are ya
DetroitEv t1_itlkevp wrote
Wear gloves. Accidently touching penis or vagina will make you regret being alive. Just touching skin can cause severe burn pain on certain aress of the body. Even after washing hands. It's dangerous for a bit
yttikat OP t1_itlq6ma wrote
I remember one time I was administering steroids IV too fast & the patient jumped up and grabbed her pubic area and screamed that her “crotch was on fucking fire!!!”. Will never forget that and will never not do it verrrrrrry slow again.
DetroitEv t1_itlqdkq wrote
I've experienced that burn from an IV. It's hard to explain but def feels like fire inside
javier052 t1_itmrws8 wrote
If there's no pseudoephedrine, it's not worth it
yttikat OP t1_itmu2l8 wrote
Lucky for us, that can be found right below!
A_Boojum_Snark t1_itnvltu wrote
Nah, pseudoephedrine, the good stuff and clears your sinus like magic, is behind the counter. Non-prescription but regulated. The sinus meds on the shelf are phenylephrine wannabe crap.
yttikat OP t1_itobeaz wrote
Isn’t Sudafed the common brand for Pseudoephedrine?
A_Boojum_Snark t1_itpylnb wrote
It is, but there are two versions of Sudafed. Pseudoephedrine became regulated after the increase in it's usage for meth production. You can freely purchase it (as "Sudafed" and generic) but it is sold directly from behind the pharmacy counter and they scan your driver's license barcode to track how many milligrams you're purchasing regardless of where you buy it.
The variant on the shelf is labeled as "Sudafed PE" for the PhenylEphrine formulation (kinda dumb since the other drug can also be abbreviated PE, maybe that was on purpose). I'm assuming they brought this to market because they didn't want to lose brand presence by not having a product on the shelf most (uninformed) consumers would be looking at.
yttikat OP t1_itpzbob wrote
That’s extremely good to know
ThereIsAJifForThat t1_itl7ojj wrote
Mama Mia!!
whataboutsmee84 t1_itlailp wrote
I’m certainly game to try.
yttikat OP t1_itlbs42 wrote
Please report back with your results
SilentStrikerTH t1_itlbp9c wrote
CrOsS mErChAnDiZiNg
yttikat OP t1_itlkpqy wrote
Next time it’s going to be eggplants in the KY jelly section
Asgeras t1_itln87u wrote
Geesh. It works well and is so simple. You put them over your eyes and up your...
Hi_its_me_Kris t1_itmi56f wrote
You Americans always surprise me, I was expecting sacs of dried peperonici, which kind of makes sense in a funny way with the topic, but then I zoomed in and saw the salami. I know you call it that, but what is the reason for it? Honest question.
howlingfrog t1_itmn9gp wrote
Pepperoni is not an alternate name for salami, it's arguably either a specific kind of salami or an entirely distinct food, invented in America by Italian immigrants. Salami is made from cured pork, pepperoni can be either all pork or a blend of pork and beef. It's made with a different blend of spices from salami, most prominently the paprika that gives it a bright red color (and its name, that's the connection to the peperonici you were expecting). It's an extremely popular pizza topping and also used as a sandwich filling, usually in combination with other varieties of salami.
MrBully74 t1_itmzdgy wrote
Pepperoni is the ducttape of the food aisle
yttikat OP t1_itn1s33 wrote
I get it now! It’s to wrap the pills in !
nine_cans t1_itn3qrc wrote
If Ricky from Trailer Park Boys ran a pharmacy.
yttikat OP t1_itn9et4 wrote
I now need to watch Trailer Park boys
tangcameo t1_itnbbe8 wrote
When the Italian deli gets a pharmacist in the family
[deleted] t1_itl3lfg wrote
[deleted] t1_itl8tef wrote
tommy0guns t1_itlcj9o wrote
That random Gluten Free in the middle right
zoqfotpik t1_itlctp4 wrote
No no, he's got a point.
vibrant_crab t1_itmn99g wrote
When you run out of shelf space lol
rawrzzzle t1_itmuml4 wrote
KOxSOMEONE t1_itmze8d wrote
I’d sign up for this drug trial
ArbysArmedForces t1_itn8od4 wrote
It’s a suppository
williams_ruth t1_itnbfjy wrote
The nitrites could be anti-viral?
Xerxes42424242 t1_itncgbw wrote
This is weird, did the store previously have a pharmacy and no longer does? That’s the only way this makes sense
yttikat OP t1_itngujy wrote
They never do this! But maybe they realized that pepperoni has healing properties so here we are!
Runaround46 t1_itndany wrote
Someone left a full pack of smokes and pepperoni on the ground
malesack t1_itnjhx8 wrote
Chinese mustard clears the sinuses.
yttikat OP t1_itpei0c wrote
I can second this.
[deleted] t1_itnkm55 wrote
kemosabe19 t1_itnn5ky wrote
The spiciness will at least clear up your sinuses.
NerdsRopeMaster t1_itnosk2 wrote
There's a weird drug store chain in Ohio called Drug Mart, and they only seem to exist up around Lake Erie, and I always loved going there whenever we'd travel to see my grandma growing up because they had the most random stuff imaginable all over the store. Nothing was really successfully sorted by aisle, and there was always something crazy that didn't belong with the rest of the aisle.
I went back a few years ago before heading back to grad school and it was still the craziest stuff you've ever seen. They still had freaking VHS tapes you could rent, AND they had a display of hair dryers set up in the produce section next to all the heads of fresh lettuce.
yttikat OP t1_itnq8dw wrote
My dream would be to randomly need all the exact mixed up crap while shopping
erichw23 t1_itnpaoy wrote
Lol prolly a Menards
BisquickNinja t1_ito7x4r wrote
It may not work... But ima gonna try!
BraceThis t1_itokknf wrote
The meat sweats work just as well as a sauna. Obviously.
valomorn t1_itp661f wrote
I've never once eaten a pizza that didn't involve pepperoni and I eat frankly far too many peperamis, I've also never had the flu. CHECKMATE VACCINES (that I've also had)!
wehavenobonanza t1_itl639t wrote
It’s pretty relaxing tbh