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sloppyredditor t1_iy8wep3 wrote

Tried this once. It came out looking like a bald eagle.


Jynx2501 t1_iy8wkby wrote

This sounds like a quote from Letterkenny.


JoeBethersonton50504 t1_iy9059l wrote

In a similar vein, don’t let your kids play in leaf piles in dog friendly neighborhoods.


zed857 t1_iy9bcvi wrote

Frank Zappa once offered some similar advice.


Spartan2470 t1_iy9blo3 wrote

Here is a higher quality and less cropped version of this image. The source seems to be Paul Douglas on a Star Tribune blog. The place has done many similar signs.


Slackhare t1_iy9cd6x wrote

> in dog friendly neighborhoods

My take would be in a neighborhood where lazy people own dogs and don't care enough about their surroundings to pick up their shit.

I drove my sons stealer into a pile of dog poop today. On the sidewalk. I would like to stuff that pile up the dog owners ass.


ZoeperJ t1_iy9kvwd wrote

Perhaps even better than to not eat yellow snow


crayfl t1_iya0gd2 wrote

Ok, that's just wrong 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Freggz t1_iya2e7h wrote

Thanks for sharing these. I had a feeling it was the Indian hills sign based on OP’s cropped one. I live 10 mins from there so always fun to see it on here!


Yeetus_McSendit t1_iyaettj wrote

Every park in a large urban city is a gaint bathrooms for dogs and hobos. I once tried to sit by a tree in a park and a hobo came over and started pissing on the other side of said tree. It was a big enough tree that he couldn't see me on the other side. I don't sit under park trees or lay on the grass anymore. Tbh I don't live in a big city anymore. This happened in Toronto and then I moved to San Francisco. San Francisco is one giant hobo toilet. I've never seen so much human shit on sidewalks before.