zed857 t1_j7m37rh wrote
Reply to comment by rockmsedrik in TIL the first Blue LED wasn't commercially available until 1989 and bright blue LEDs weren't available until 1993. by j-merc23
Connect that stuff to a power strip with an on/off switch and turn the whole lot off when you go to bed. Apart from your phone charger it's not like you'll be using those other electronics when you're sleeping.
zed857 t1_j64u8nk wrote
Reply to comment by GhettoChemist in TIL in Japan you can rent a Super Mario go kart and drive through the streets of Tokyo, whilst dressed as Super Mario characters. by exporterofgold
Don't worry, they have you sign a 37 page disclaimer first.
zed857 t1_j64jpa5 wrote
Reply to You can't look at text and not read it by [deleted]
Any time one of those software licensing agreements comes up that you have to scroll through to accept I can do a very good job of seeing it and yet not reading any of it.
zed857 t1_iy9fjf4 wrote
Reply to comment by ExiledToTerminus in TIL the guy who played Nick the bartender in "It's a Wonderful Life," Sheldon Leonard, became one of the most successful TV producers in history, having created the Andy Griffith Show, Dick Van Dyke, among many others. As a tribute, the two main characters on "Big Bang Theory" were named after him. by latchkey_adult
I think he was one of the few characters that was actually doing better in the world where Jimmy Stewart hadn't been born.
zed857 t1_iy9bcvi wrote
Frank Zappa once offered some similar advice.
zed857 t1_itrjo7v wrote
Reply to comment by PaulW707 in Researchers create first quasiparticle Bose-Einstein condensate by geoxol
I'm picturing Albert Einstein wearing noise-cancelling headphones while jamming to an 80's band named "Condensate and the Quasiparticles".
zed857 t1_j8nltt6 wrote
Reply to comment by Logondo in TIL that the phrase "It was a dark and stormy night" was the opening line to an actual novel published in 1830, but runs on for another 51 words: "It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which..." by dylancatlow
The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed...