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rocketwidget t1_ixq4xnn wrote

Reply to comment by MikeyPapapacha in A Trejo Thanksgiving. by DinoRoman

I have a similar fridge, came with the house. And I'm saddened the trend of stainless steel fronts has relegated magnets to just the sides! :-(


camocondomcommando t1_ixqfrg4 wrote

We have what looks to be the exact same fridge, although ours has an LG badge in the upper right corner, and the doors are magnetic. We were pleasantly surprised when we found out.


NoXion604 t1_ixqyjxy wrote

Wait, stainless steel isn't ferromagnetic? Isn't that material just iron with some carbon and a pinch of other stuff in it? Would that really cause a substance which is still mostly iron to lose its attraction to magnets?

Are you sure it's not because the front is made of aluminium rather than steel?


rentedlife t1_ixsxp26 wrote

I’ve been looking for a new fridge and the salespeople can’t believe I don’t want ss. It’s more expensive for one of the cheapest metals too. Haha