AnyDamnThingWillDo t1_j1pctqn wrote
Why would you do that to yourself? Your dad would be mad because you wasted money when there's a Perfectly good peeling knife there and you mum will smile and say thanks. As soon as your back is turned, you know which knife she is going to use, don't ya?
breaktime1 t1_j1pcxdg wrote
True, but eventually that knife will become nothing.
AnyDamnThingWillDo t1_j1pdthr wrote
I have one, it's outlived two owners and it'll outlive me. It's starting to look like a needle now but it still does knife things.
darmaus t1_j1pedno wrote
For a chefs this is more common just in a few years. Sauce - myself
theroch_ t1_j1pewh6 wrote
For April fools you could replace it with a new one. Give them it back when they’ve calmed down.
FewZookeepergame1083 t1_j1pg2gj wrote
It just might be time to let it go
KaikoLeaflock t1_j1pg8ew wrote
You’d think it’d be sharp by now.
tatboe t1_j1pgyo8 wrote
Evilness at its finest
Cuemaster t1_j1phvpa wrote
Maybe clean it for Xmas?
the_colonelclink t1_j1pj9aw wrote
Is it a Sheffield, perhaps?
Keksmonster t1_j1px9rp wrote
Looks to be a Windmühlen Knife.
Super common veggie knife in Germany with pretty soft steel so the wear out after some time.
Haven't seen such an extreme case so far though. Usually they break after a they get too thin
tigridi2 t1_j1q1tew wrote
feel u man, but they still work as ever
stealth57 t1_j1q4jtm wrote
Time to gift them with Cutco and when they pass you inherit them. Win win.
jonnynoine t1_j1q57a2 wrote
I have a similar paring knife from a company in New York named Geneva Forge.
CtForrestEye t1_j1q5nmf wrote
Now you know what to give them next Christmas.
Keksmonster t1_j1q5p54 wrote
After a quick search that company doesn't exist anymore so your knife might be a bit vintage
added_chaos t1_j1qeon2 wrote
And their potatoes are growing
JackBrightScD t1_j1qfa9t wrote
Toe knife
[deleted] t1_j1qhgx0 wrote
GampaR53 t1_j1qp8rf wrote
My mom had one that looked just like that. She told me she got it new when she was 25, she was still using it when she died - at 93.
AcidTWister t1_j1qqfve wrote
Thought this was a poop knife at first
SteveBuscemiSandler t1_j1smvid wrote
It’s their toe knife
breaktime1 t1_j1pccuq wrote
Boxing day gift idea