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sandiercy t1_j6mbfco wrote

I am looking at the items then realized I could see Marmite, Maple Syrup, Jaffa Cakes, and Cadbury chocolate. Where the heck did they find their sources for American food??


PostsBadComments t1_j6mbit5 wrote

Title should prolly say international section, but american sounds better i guess...


cheesecakecaramel OP t1_j6mbz1p wrote

Well not really because there was an Indian section, Mexican section, Thai section, Italian section, etc. But in American section they put these.

They wanted to do a North American section maybe ?


FriedBaconBread t1_j6mdu0f wrote

The Maple syrup is Canadian, the marmite, Cadbury and Jaffa cakes are from the UK. As an American we claim neither of those countries lol.


Jetsam1 t1_j6meu4r wrote

IRN-BRU (the drink at the bottom third product from the left) is Scottish


KhunDavid t1_j6olxjd wrote

Is the syrup from Quebec or Vermont?


masterchi77 t1_j6p0dvg wrote

That was my first thought when I encountered the syrup. I thought, ā€œmaybe itā€™s from Vermontā€, but zooming in it says ā€œSoul of Canadaā€ on all of the bottles haha.


Classic-Carpenter237 t1_j6nwugi wrote

Besides all the peanut butter stuff and maple syrup, it more resembles the international aisle at Wegmans to me.


bgb372 t1_j6mioax wrote

American here. Nope.


fuji311 t1_j6nmkpg wrote

Nothing says good ol' USA like... fucking marmite? lmao


ChefDonor t1_j6ntr33 wrote

Came here to say this. What the hell are Ginger Nuts? Also putting Cotton Candy there is plain disrespectful


mandicmcd t1_j6mcq9l wrote

It's a scary version of American food... although the peanut butter is legit necessary.


Alert_Priority_4236 t1_j6mc87n wrote

Mac and cheese is there. Peanut butter. Dr Pepper. Reeseā€™s candy. This is good compared to the French snacks section at my grocery store. I wish we had imported French goodies tbh.


alaninsitges t1_j6mdhso wrote

All of which is British except for some Reese's candy and their horrible Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch knock-off.


LanceAlgoriddim t1_j6nwypn wrote

I also see some Skippy PB, Tabasco, and Wishbone(which ironically is NOT ranch). But yeah this looks like someone shopping at Tesco.


kubicki91 t1_j6p4ai9 wrote

I could be wrong but I think we have capt crunch peanut butter as well. But i may be wrong..?? Pretty sure I've seen it when at the store. Reeses is just another big one we have.


DiBalls t1_j6mcb5f wrote

Now we know why we have health issues lol P&G trying to sell our junk food.


Sea_Jackfruit7971 t1_j6mkghi wrote

Wow, some items are really expensive


kubicki91 t1_j6p518l wrote

Yeah the cereal is almost $10? When I went to cayman islands prices were similar. Slightly higher. Like 11.50 for a box. But that's an island. Michelinas Alfredo dinner meals, the ones that are were 1 dollar here in America at the time were almost 5 dollars there. For reference.


scopeless t1_j6n3cvg wrote

Shreddies: the original



TPCo0Lz t1_j6ow45j wrote

I have never seen more than half of this stuffā€¦ and I live in the USA. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Leningradite t1_j6mcph8 wrote

This is just about what the Swedish stores' "American" sections look like. Complete with the English cookies and Irn-Bru. The only thing I can't find here is Jacklinks.


mahanahan t1_j6migu1 wrote

Most of this is British or Canadian. Theyā€™ve got peanut butter and hot sauce, but I donā€™t see any American/burger sauce which is usually a staple of these American shelves in France.


boogi3woogie t1_j6mkldt wrote

Curious to see how much food companies like frito lay have taken over french grocery stores


Flutters1013 t1_j6ml3f3 wrote

I thought HP sauce was British? Even our Cadbury stuff gets sold over in the international section, with the Ritter and Jammie dodgers.


MrJoeSmith t1_j6mnciv wrote

This is way off. They only got a few tings, including all the peanut butter and peanut butter flavored shit we eat. But we don't really consider those "American food" here. A lot of this isn't even close.


LordOfBadaBing t1_j6mos9f wrote

Every time I see an ā€œAmericanā€ aisle post and immediately see those Reeseā€™s puffs I say to myself, I havenā€™t had those in 20 years. And as good as I think they were, I still wouldnā€™t buy them today. Are they even peanut butter?


ladybug68 t1_j6mwpro wrote

I've only seen much less eaten about 5 of those items. I am starting to think this is a marketing ploy to move underperforming products.


tallcupofwater t1_j6nfns3 wrote

Reeseā€™s Puffs cereal seems to be in these aisles a lot.


Murky_Examination144 t1_j6nit9z wrote

No ketchup? No ketchup in the American aisle is like no sun in the day. Begone from my presence, you Philistines!


fupafighter9000 t1_j6nk5bs wrote

This is actually closer than most American food sections elsewhere


Ishamoridin t1_j6nv15l wrote

This all feels like an elaborate dig at the English tbh


ohballlz t1_j6nwm85 wrote

When I studied in Ireland during college my mom shipped over a ton of Kraft Macaroni n cheeseā€¦ Irish roomies couldnā€™t get enough of it!


backsassing t1_j6nyj4i wrote

Itā€™s like they donā€™t care at all šŸ„² Whereā€™s the chef boyardi?


soapster00 t1_j6o367u wrote

Looks like the British aisle to me with peanut butter, maple syrup, and reeseā€™s thrown in for good measure


giro_di_dante t1_j6ofll9 wrote

These are always funny to me because I eat exactly 0% of the things in similar photos.


Sketch99 t1_j6og1ew wrote



jonisjalopy t1_j6oifeu wrote

American here. Why is there always Reese's cereal in these photos? Are they really that good?


KhunDavid t1_j6olsmz wrote

The French aisle in an American grocery store is the produce section, the dairy section, the cheese section, the butcher and the fish sections.


thatswherethedevilis t1_j6onni9 wrote

I think itā€™s hilarious that a lot of these foods are in the international aisle here in America.


undie_turd t1_j6opg1j wrote

WTF is Luxury Christmas Pudding?


cmcb4 t1_j6oss3u wrote

Mostly crapā€¦PB & Tabasco yes. French have an equivalent to it or any other hot sauce?


Deano1234 t1_j6p0zkd wrote

it isn't American if it doesn't have Sweet Baby Ray's. This is why we hate the French


stealyrface t1_j6p3aky wrote

I always look at these things and realize the American food must be a meme diet in foreign countries. I literally never buy/eat these products or brands


Wasaox t1_j6p56cd wrote

We have the same "isle" here, but everything is super expensive. All of this stuff goes on 50-60% sale eventually because it's rarely purchased. I mean, the stuff is good, but it's just too expensive for most folks. I usually buy Reeses stuff.