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AgentG91 t1_j8tsot6 wrote

We did one with west shore home last year. It was a shower to shower replacement. They didn’t touch the rest of the bath. If they do, and they can, they subcontract that out.

In all, it was $15k. It looks fine, but it’s really overpriced. If I had more bandwidth and was smarter, I would have tried to do it myself, but DIY is what got us into this mess. The previous owner did a shitty layover DIY job updating the bathroom and after 6 months of use, it began leaking into our garage.

I had four contractors out and each one had a guess but because of the mystery meat under the tile floor (that was failing), none of them even gave me a quote, let alone a fuck off quote. West Shore did. It was literally the only quote I could get… in the end, we got lucky because the price we were told is the price we got and west shore had to do some serious plumbing rework because of the mcguyver shit the previous owner had done. They had four people on site including their master plumber scratching their heads at what the fuck they were looking at. If we had used a contractor, our final price would have been massively different than what we were told. I would say, aside from the fact that the work is done within 8 hours, the truth on price is where the benefit is. Still, paying $15k for a bathroom that was already recently renovated is fucking crazy. We did go with one of the slightly more expensive looks, but we didn’t go with the expensive fixtures.


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_j8ty4lq wrote

At least you got it fixed right and honestly it would have been more expensive and more painful if something failed.