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sockar101 t1_j96w4ip wrote

Reply to comment by kistner in indoor soccer? by snipsnaps1_9

The only other places that I’m aware of that you haven’t listed (that have indoor soccer) are The Bubble on Neville Island, Greentree Sportsplex in Greentree, or The Neighborhood Academy in Stanton Heights.


kistner t1_j96wkrj wrote

Dang, I forgot about the bubble, my son practiced there for a while. Both of my boys and my nephew played at Greentree. Never heard of the one in Stanton Heights. Something tells me there must be a place in Monroeville too.


sockar101 t1_j96yyhh wrote

The Neighborhood Academy is a small 6-12 prep school. I don’t know if the field house on campus is open to the public/hosts public programs at all, but there 100% are soccer activities there. I have coached Arsenal teams there and my kids have participated in programs there, also run thru arsenal.


kistner t1_j96zls7 wrote

Between the lot of them my sons and nephew played for quite a few teams. Sadly a lot of them either don't exist any longer or consolidated. Cant say any of them played for Arsenal, most likely played against them, lol. There's always my niece, she's u9 now. No cup soccer for her yet.