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NikolaSolonik t1_j74354w wrote

I can’t believe the group is actually called “Big Burrito” I thought people were using it like the term big oil but ironically lmao


cordy_crocs t1_j74l0uz wrote

Lmao wait that’s so funny I like your thought process better


Mobius_164 t1_j76ixkj wrote

(Read in Alex Jones voice) “Joe, Joe, listen to me……”Big Burrito” wants you to believe that corn tortillas aren’t better. That’s because they own the flour tortilla factories.”


enemy_of_your_enema t1_j784mk9 wrote

I felt the same way the first time I heard about Winchester Thurston, the private school. It's the snootiest sounding name, like it could be the school the evil rich kids go to in an 80's high school comedy.