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pAul2437 t1_ja24rm3 wrote

There are two in the city. The comfort food doesn’t check either. There are tons of pizza places which is the ultimate comfort food.


tesla3by3 t1_ja3j16l wrote

Maybe comfort food wasn’t the best word. Maybe “casual dining chain “ would be better. However, it doesn’t negate the point. Nor does the existence of 2 restaurants


redurbandream t1_ja2t4tm wrote

The main point was about big chains. Try not to latch on to a single word uttered during an explanantion


pAul2437 t1_ja2y0jv wrote

No it wasn’t. They made several points


redurbandream t1_ja304r5 wrote

Ha I’m not going to continue this but you latched on to a single word. Very common behavior in teenagers and college grads


pAul2437 t1_ja30mju wrote

There are and we’re those chains in the city though.