
tesla3by3 t1_je2n5n6 wrote

I don’t know of any place that sells it pre-made. It’s basically chipped chopped ham cooked in barbecue sauce and served on a bun. There are variations in how people make it, though. Some people add onions, pickle relish,etc.

So ask grandma what her recipe is and make it for her.


tesla3by3 t1_jdzt1in wrote

UPMC shouldn't have nonprofit status, agreed.

But there's nothing preventing UPMC from retaining 10% of their profit. In fact, best practice for nonprofits is to have enough can available to meet a drop in income; usually 3-6 months of expenses. At the end of 2021 UPMC had enough cash on hand to cover 148 days of expenses. $10.7 Billion in total cash and investments.

Their stated reason for expansion is "expanding access to healthcare", while at the same time doing things like closing Braddock and expanding in Monroeville.


tesla3by3 t1_ja4xzk3 wrote

You're correct. I was just trying to reframe the question as posed by OP.

I stated in other comments that I'm pretty sure Advantage Pay has to cover the entire purchase.

I've seen 25c discounts for advantage pay. I suspect they are using that as a type of loss leader to get people to sign up. Because ~15 cents would probably be the break even.

When I initially signed up they did give an additional 30c off per gallon for, I think it was a month.


tesla3by3 t1_ja4k3bm wrote

You can prepay inside using Advantage Pay.

From what I understand OP only had a couple bucks in his bank account that’s linked up his Advantage Pay. So he paid with a gift card. The question is if he added another dollars worth and paid that dollar on Advantage Pay, would he get the 30 cent discount applied to all the gas?


tesla3by3 t1_ja4216q wrote

Reply to comment by jn804 in A Giant Eagle question. by jn804

I'm pretty sure that Advantage Pay is "all or none". So you either pay for all the gas with Advantage Pay or none of it, because if I remember correctly once you with something else, they don't ask if you want put some of it on Advantage Pay.
Maybe try next time ask the cashier if that can be done.


tesla3by3 t1_ja3te4t wrote

Reply to comment by jn804 in A Giant Eagle question. by jn804

Do you mean put $1 on the gift card and the rest on Advantage pay?

I usually pay at the pump so I’m not sure. if you use Advantage Pay at the pump, it asks you if you want to use Advantage Pay. If you say yes, it takes the 30c off and you don’t get the option to add another payment type. Not sure if that is the case for prepaid.

If you want to max your savings, use the gift card for other stuff and Advantage pay for gas


tesla3by3 t1_ja3pnww wrote

If you use Advantage Pay it will pay for all of the gas, and apply the 30c (or whatever the current discount is) to all of the gallons.

I think that answers the question.