Submitted by t3_10ve59n in pittsburgh

Feel free to put them in no particular order.

Apparently some of them are starting early since we're seeing them out in the wild. The reason I'm asking for the top 3 is because I think Party Cake and Oakmont are the most popular choices and I'd like to try someone else. Maybe even some place different.

I've heard S&D are supposed to be good, but haven't been yet.

We usually do Prantls, Bethel Bakery and Potomac Bakery.



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t1_j7h7c9c wrote

It’s not that early — Ash Wednesday is not that far away.

We went the Party Cake route this year and were overall pretty pleased. We thought the fruit flavors were a step above the flavored-buttercream. Custard also a big win, but maybe that’s just because I really like custard. 😁

Someone said that the ones at S&D are in fact Party Cake ones, with a special flavor (rosehip) that they make just for S&D.


t1_j7hh8qu wrote

It’s not in the city, but if you’re okay with making a drive, Kretchmar’s in Beaver has delicious paczki. To be honest, they’re the only bakery I ever get them from because they’re so good. Maybe I’ll branch out this year, but then again maybe not haha


t1_j7hdb4w wrote

I was at S&D on Friday and there was no sign of packzi I ended up at Party Cake and they were delicious. Someone said Party Cake got sold and their other baked goods aren't as good, but I didn't notice a difference in the packzi. My friend always brings ones from Oakmont, and they are fine, but I like Party Cake better.


t1_j7kpt5g wrote

I’m randomly off because my son had to go to the doctor and… Party Cake is closed! Guess I’m gonna try Bethel Bakery.


t1_j7hokif wrote

Oakmont Bakery


t1_j7ig9vd wrote

Agreed. This is one of the few items at OB that I think tastes better than any other bakery. Pricey though…