BonnieIndigo t1_je4pxih wrote
Reply to comment by ChaingaPaste in Good PTSD psychologist? by ChaingaPaste
I understand the desire to be in the same physical space with someone.
Deirdre Fay is someone else who works extensively with C-PTSD. In addition to her books, she also has some YouTube videos:
(Edited to clarify: unfortunately, Deirdre Fay is not local. I mentioned her here in the spirit of giving other supplementary resources and because I have found her video presence to be not just knowledgeable but also calm and compassionate.)
BonnieIndigo t1_jdvvlud wrote
Why would you think it was a joke?
BonnieIndigo t1_jdj8uyb wrote
Reply to Very cool of the city to block off half my street with a whopping -4 days notice by jwmahaffey9
There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now. … What do you mean you’ve never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh, for heaven’s sake, mankind, it’s only four light years away, you know. I’m sorry, but if you can’t be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, that’s your own lookout. Energize the demolition beams.
BonnieIndigo t1_jacprad wrote
Reply to comment by Robert_L0blaw in End of February 2023, from Troy Hill. by H0ff8675A
Idk, it sounded like you thought you were encouraging a kid.
BonnieIndigo t1_jacophw wrote
Reply to comment by Robert_L0blaw in End of February 2023, from Troy Hill. by H0ff8675A
… you know he sells this stuff professionally, right?
BonnieIndigo t1_j9yhmat wrote
Reply to comment by Jimmy_Corrigan in Police: Husband shoots and kills wife in Monroeville, dies by apparent suicide after SWAT standoff by BecuzMDsaid
This may be technically true, but you really don’t understand how abusive situations work, or people who are stuck in them.
BonnieIndigo t1_j9we1dx wrote
Reply to comment by Valyrian_Kobolds in Police: Husband shoots and kills wife in Monroeville, dies by apparent suicide after SWAT standoff by BecuzMDsaid
He hangs out on redpill subs, so don’t expect much
BonnieIndigo t1_j978lyn wrote
Reply to Meet me under the Target clock. by eamon2plz
No. No, I refuse. “Acrisure Stadium” is bad enough, but this is a bridge too far.
BonnieIndigo t1_j96wpcu wrote
Reply to Where to get fresh spices? by trail-coffee
I hope you did not literally buy a gallon-sized container of cumin and expect it to be any good at all after a year. I’m all for saving money but there’s a threshold beneath which things are too cheap for a reason.
Second the advice to shop at Indian groceries.
BonnieIndigo t1_j7h7c9c wrote
Reply to Who are your top 3 Pączki Bakeries? by NotBlaine
It’s not that early — Ash Wednesday is not that far away.
We went the Party Cake route this year and were overall pretty pleased. We thought the fruit flavors were a step above the flavored-buttercream. Custard also a big win, but maybe that’s just because I really like custard. 😁
Someone said that the ones at S&D are in fact Party Cake ones, with a special flavor (rosehip) that they make just for S&D.
BonnieIndigo t1_j6p5t3j wrote
Reply to comment by thunderbolt_alarm in D&D at the Cat Lounge - February One-Shots by thunderbolt_alarm
Thanks for this list! I can’t make the 6th but it would be fun to come another time. I played D&D a lot in high school in the 80s but haven’t played since then — maybe I should come to a “new player” event since it has been such a long time!
BonnieIndigo t1_iy1bhtp wrote
Reply to comment by jrrackerley in What are some good off-campus housing options for graduate students? by Cunt_With_A_C
I see that you have attempted a reply, which Reddit hasn’t yet recognized somehow. That’s cute that you have an undergraduate degree from Columbia. You evidently have avoided learning the things that college is supposed to teach you. Columbia is probably embarrassed, because these things are things that you could have learned from any community college (at which I have also taught, before you think that that’s a potential arrow in your quiver). I’m sorry you’re so ignorant. Have a pretty life. You won’t get another response from me.
BonnieIndigo t1_iy0sqn3 wrote
Reply to comment by jrrackerley in What are some good off-campus housing options for graduate students? by Cunt_With_A_C
I teach college. I have a doctoral degree from an Ivy. I care about words and names. I don’t misspell them, and if I accidentally did, I would correct it and beat myself up about it.
What you denigrate as “pedantic” is merely “respecting others.”
I note that in your comments to me you have not addressed or recognized at all the misogynistic slur in the other poster’s username, so apparently that’s A-OK with you while we argue about whether or not it’s necessary to spell the city name correctly?
BonnieIndigo t1_iy0jbx0 wrote
Reply to comment by jrrackerley in What are some good off-campus housing options for graduate students? by Cunt_With_A_C
Any “anger” that you think I have is really not about Pittsburgh with an H, but about the misogynistic word in the other person’s username.
Also, for the record, I speak two other languages and also frequently visit other places where I am not fluent in the language and somehow I have never managed to misspell a city or town name in any of those places. And I don’t give a shit about anyone’s age, so don’t try to shame me in that regard.
BonnieIndigo t1_ixz4tfj wrote
Reply to comment by Cunt_With_A_C in What are some good off-campus housing options for graduate students? by Cunt_With_A_C
Yes. The fact that you don’t know that indicates that you need to do more “getting to know the city” research before moving here.
BonnieIndigo t1_ixyga5l wrote
Reply to comment by Cunt_With_A_C in What are some good off-campus housing options for graduate students? by Cunt_With_A_C
No, once you have an account, Reddit does not let you change the name. However, since the account is only a few days old, and you don’t have any meaningful history on it yet, you could just jettison it and make a new one with no real losses.
BonnieIndigo t1_ixx4mnb wrote
Reply to comment by Cunt_With_A_C in What are some good off-campus housing options for graduate students? by Cunt_With_A_C
Also, yikes at your username. Maybe you’re from a part of the world where that isn’t a huge insult, but in the US it is.
BonnieIndigo t1_iug9gu6 wrote
Reply to comment by thatburghfan in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
What do you think they do with the profits they make from your patronage?
BonnieIndigo t1_iug2hnx wrote
Reply to comment by EvetsYenoham in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
I mean, you weren’t listening to start with, and you are clearly so privileged that none of this stuff that affects non-white-males matters a jot to you. Your apathy hurts everyone. But you do you. I’m sure you sleep well at night.
BonnieIndigo t1_iug0330 wrote
Reply to comment by EvetsYenoham in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
One of them will let me govern my own body. The other one won’t.
No way do I think the Democrats are the world’s best political organization. But they’re leaps and bounds ahead of Christofascists.
BonnieIndigo t1_iuftvxn wrote
Reply to comment by EvetsYenoham in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
How lucky for you that you can conceive of a life in which politics don’t govern your ability to obtain services or healthcare.
BonnieIndigo t1_jeblms9 wrote
Reply to Where do you go for car inspections? by pghgreatest
I paid about $80 all told the other day for this service at our family’s long-time mechanic. I don’t think you’re going to get much cheaper than that.