Submitted by ChinaLouise t3_1271kca in pittsburgh

It's unfortunately the end of my baby girl's life. I need to take her to the ASPCA to euthanize her to stop her suffering.

I don't drive. This is usually not a problem but I have no way to take her there. I'm afraid a taxi or Uber won't take her because she smells so bad.

Is there anyone who I could pay to give me a ride from South Side to the North Side tomorrow?

Edit: I cannot afford home euthanasia, I've looked into it and it costs $400

Edit 2: someone here has offered me help so she's taken care of. Thank you all so much



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sparrowmint t1_jec32yf wrote

UberPet is a specific option now, so the drivers who make themselves available for that should know what they are getting into since animals often smell.


RebeccaBuckisTanked t1_jed8z00 wrote

WHAT! I’d so sign up to have pets as guests in my car since my car is 1) big cat themed and 2) often house to my own dogs on road trips anyway!


Subject_Candy_8411 t1_jeen3va wrote

I would totally drive Uber pets and try to find the craziest animals to drive around


sparrowmint t1_jeeynkg wrote

I'm not an uber driver so I am not sure what it looks on their end. I don't know if you can set yourself up to ONLY accept Pet/owner clients or not. My impression on the client side is that they're just regular drivers who choose to opt in to also taking pets. It'd be cool if they had the option to just focus on pet taxiing though, if that's what someone wanted to do.


turp101 t1_jefpdwn wrote

UberPet: Not just for Anthrocon anymore!


crazed-ginger t1_jecg8me wrote

Hi I messaged you, I live on the Northside and can pick you up and take you back afterwards. And I can get you right around 1 so kitty doesn't have to wait any longer than necessary. If you're interested please reach out.


lightskinlady t1_jec5d7d wrote

I’m from southside and could possibly take you tomorrow morning


ChinaLouise OP t1_jec5ukj wrote

The place isn't open until 1pm. I wouldn't need a ride home. I can give you $30 for your gas and time. If you have cats I could also give you lots of food and litter. I understand if that's too late. You can inbox me if you can, I don't receive chat requests with this app


lightskinlady t1_jec7bqu wrote

Just tried messaging u, did u get it?


ChinaLouise OP t1_jec7g5y wrote

Must have been a chat. I'll message you and then you can reply to that. Thank you.


[deleted] t1_jec6gfs wrote



ChinaLouise OP t1_jec7a3o wrote

I could just take the bus. Or a cab even. I can't take kitty on there because she smells very very bad


[deleted] t1_jec8gog wrote



ChinaLouise OP t1_jecbxe9 wrote

This fucking ASSHOLE had me dm him just to harass me. He suggested I put out!


chad4359 t1_jeccppo wrote

Sorry that he did that, I hope you are able to find a ride


ChinaLouise OP t1_jecctsn wrote

I'm working on it. Anyone reading this I'll pay you about twice what an Uber would be, $30. It's a three mile ride


[deleted] t1_jece7hd wrote



ChinaLouise OP t1_jecev94 wrote

No you said that I wouldn't like what you would charge and kept saying hi over and over. I can screenshot it if you want to get fucking petty


sparrowmint t1_jecflf0 wrote

Please report them to the mods with the screenshots, that's fucking insane and disgusting.


susinpgh t1_jec9r3g wrote

Can't ofer anything but my condolences. I'm so sorry.


CL-MotoTech t1_jece3so wrote

I can take you as well. If your other options don't work out send me a PM. I live on North Side, work in Trafford, but my schedule is very flexible.


ChinaLouise OP t1_jeceqwa wrote

I'm not sure if I've found someone else or not. I live in Southside flats and it looks like the humane society is in north shore or very close to north shore. I can offer $30 plus about that much in cat supplies like litter and food.


CL-MotoTech t1_jecf5h4 wrote

I adopted one of my cats from there and know it well. It's a short drive from my home.

Let me know tomorrow. I have to get to work for a bit. I usually start around 9. I'm not super pressed for time as I did a 10 day stint last period and adding more just isn't needed. I own two cats and a dog, so I understand how this stuff can be. I'll be on reddit a good part of the day, Friday. So if you reach out I should catch it pretty quick.


ChinaLouise OP t1_jecfip0 wrote

Ok thank you. If I message you it will be shortly after one. I need to call them to make sure I can take her there etc.


kaitb1103 t1_jecu6qt wrote

I can’t offer a ride- but both my partner and I will contribute to end of life services at a vet so you can be with them. If you provide the vets name and/or an account number (or some other identifying info so we can make sure it goes to the right individual) via PM we’ll both call in donations to the account (I can’t promise much unfortunately- we certainly can’t afford the entire bill, but every little bit helps yes? Probably about $50 or so each). We’re firm believers that pets are family and every pet deserves to have their human by their side.

I will also say- please make certain to get yourself some fur clippings, and ink paw prints at the very least (usually all complimentary at a vets).


eyes_like_thunder t1_jee8b4k wrote

I just messaged OP. The humane society does owner present euthanasias if they go to their north location (as opposed to surrender, which is what OP's current plan is). If they go there to be with their kitty, I will also contribute to the bill so they can be together. Let me know if you hear anything else..


RomanesEuntDomum t1_jecbwe9 wrote

I can’t help, but please accept my condolences for your friend.


According_Weekend_47 t1_jec4l6f wrote

Try looking on Nextdoor. There’s a page for people to offer and ask for help. Lots of people offer rides!


According_Weekend_47 t1_jecr3wo wrote

Also I’m so sorry about your poor kitty. You deserve to say goodbye to her without the extra stress. Please give her a snuggle from a fellow cat-lover


SluttyDragonborn t1_jecf40k wrote

i just want to offer my condolences. pet loss is so rough. i really hope you find someone to take you and her:(


zappafrank2112 t1_jecjor9 wrote

I'm very sorry to hear this. One of my little girls crossed the Rainbow Bridge a couple of weeks ago. I'm actually coming off a moment just now crying with her sister.

I was fortunate enough to have the people caring for her assist me in this, but I did consider Lap of Love in-home hospice and in-home euthanasia for a moment.

I am not sure what the prices would ultimately work out to be, and I know you said money is a consideration, but I wanted to leave the link for you just in case.

I would also suggest looking at their other resources for grief counseling, in particular the free online support groups. They have a number days and times. I did one last Saturday and plan on doing one again this Saturday (though I think all of the slots for it currently are filled).

Godspeed little one.


advocada t1_jeczbsf wrote

Recently used their services for a beloved dog. Cannot recommend them highly enough, especially if you have another pet in the home and/or children or family members who would all benefit from saying good-bye.


Simon_Jester88 t1_jechu9e wrote

Just put down my cat yesterday. It's tough, sorry for your loss.


DryLab8508 t1_jecdpao wrote

Would you be willing to put up a gofundme? Maybe people would donate? I know I could throw in at least $50. Maybe in a few hours you could have enough for home euthanasia.


ChinaLouise OP t1_jecdsrd wrote

I would do that but there's not enough time. I don't want her to have to suffer through the weekend


icequeen323 t1_jecfjuh wrote

I wish I could help you but I wanted to send my condolences from one cat parent to another.


audiclub-greg t1_jecio86 wrote

I’m very sorry that you and your kitty are going through this.

Is there any cost for the procedure at the ASPCA? If so, please share the details and I‘d be glad to contribute.


ChinaLouise OP t1_jeciy4e wrote

I'm just going to surrender her which is free and they'll see she needs euthanized asap. I'm sure it's not going to be anything or maybe like a small donation that I can cover. Thank you for offering


zappafrank2112 t1_jeckca4 wrote

Please decide if you'd like to be with her in that moment, and push for it if possible.


Akan0o t1_jecqdkx wrote

You and your cat deserve to be together and comfortable during this process. Please DM if you get the chance. I tried DM'ing you but I'm not sure if it actually sent


eyes_like_thunder t1_jee7zp7 wrote

I understand you can't afford a lot, and you're trying your best. But don't surrender your maow in hopes that they'll euthanize. You both deserve to be together until the end. It looks like they allow owner present euthanasias at their north branch-I can't help with travel, but if you get there, I can help pay so you can be with her.


ChinaLouise OP t1_jef2lj2 wrote

A very generous benefactor from this sub has paid for an at home euthanasia for her. They were booked until Monday but I think her staying with me really is the best. I am incredibly sad and shaking inside, but I'm also overwhelmed with brotherly love for all the good and kind people in our city. Thank you everyone. Truly, from my heart


malepitt t1_jecomzs wrote

You'll get so much support here, I'm crying already. Our kitty died on my daughter's lap before my wife had reached the end of the first block on the final trip to the vet. My wife just made three more right turns and came back home, where we buried kitty in the back garden, where kitty has been helping to nourish our veggies for about five years now.


ballsonthewall t1_jec2c7z wrote

Have you looked in to home services? I've seen a few amazing local ones recommended here.


ChinaLouise OP t1_jec2etq wrote

That's $400. I can't afford it


ballsonthewall t1_jec2qwc wrote

Understood. Give her lots of love for me, I'm sure your time together was special.


pittsburghfun t1_jec2hbx wrote


ChinaLouise OP t1_jec2s37 wrote

She has been under the care of a vet for several months. She has end stage breast cancer and despite medicine this is the end of her. She doesn't need to see a vet, I just need to take her to the humane society to put her down. Home euthanasia is $400


afultz075 t1_jecj49p wrote

I am so sorry to hear this. My wife and I lost our oldest cat to the very same thing last January at 11 years old.

We had it removed in summer of 2021 when we discovered a small lump, and it just ended coming back incredibly rapidly. We gave her all the love we could with the time we had left once we realized there was nothing we could do. Once the tumor abscessed and got infected, we had to put her to sleep in a matter of days.


ItsGroovyBaby412 t1_jecdz1f wrote

I get off at 8am I work in Verona and live on the Northside, I could pick you up when I get off if that's ok with you


LockedOutOfElfland t1_jecqx3p wrote

Sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is never a great experience. :(


atheistexport t1_jed5wyk wrote

Either I or my wife can take you also if your other options don't work out. Don't need paid or compensated -- we just went thru this and it's hard. We have a large carrier, and blankets. I'm in squirrel hill but pgh a small town, so no worries about the distance. Lmk if you don't have other options by 11am tomorrow. Or later if something doesn't work out. Take care, I'm really sorry you're going thru this. And that these people are harassing you like this... Wtf is wrong with y'all? Feel free to harass me instead. I'm around, we can sort it out. Leave this woman alone.


citsonga_cixelsyd t1_jecaz62 wrote

Did you find someone to help? If not DM me.

I know how hard this.


cpr4life8 t1_jeci3s0 wrote

I'm so sorry. You must be devastated 🥺 My two boys are 16 (just a few months apart) and fortunately still very healthy but my heart hurts at the thought of when their time comes. I hope you'll find a ride and your fur baby will be relieved of her suffering. And I hope you will always find happiness and peace in her memory.

And I'm also sorry for the assholes harassing you.


bambi_beth t1_jecswqw wrote

I can be a back up to your back up if anything falls through in the morning. Losing a pet is the worst, I'm so sorry.


WhoseverFish t1_jecte1h wrote

This thread makes me miss Pittsburgh so much.


whats_a_cormac t1_jedgmpo wrote

My partner and I just had to do this to our almost 18 yr old soff fren yesterday. Thankfully we got a car recently and our vet is a good friend of ours. It was the hardest thing I've had to do in recent memory. My heart goes out to you 1,000% and then some.


StudyIntelligent5691 t1_jececmi wrote

There are a couple of services that will come out to your home and perform the necessary euthanasia procedures. It’s not all that more expensive and it’s so much more personal and less stressful for all involved. I’ll never take a pet to the vet again for that.


MonkiePantss t1_jeci4ri wrote

Hugs, too far from the city or I would. I just went through this with my pup. Sending positive thoughts 💞


balou918 t1_jecn8fu wrote

I’m so sorry. I use UberPet to take my pup to the vet. They’ll take you and your cat too.


Ajm_x40 t1_jecne9x wrote

I just wanted to offer my condolences. Losing a pet is one of the worst things to go through. I see that you have found a ride and I just want to say it absolutely warms my heart to see all of kindness here. My heart is with you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need someone to talk to.


morrison1813 t1_jecunvr wrote

I’m so sorry, OP. Pets hold such special places in our hearts. I wouldn’t be much help tomorrow until after work but it sounds like you have it covered. There’s a good book about mourning the loss of a pet called PS. I love you more than Tuna. Someone is borrowing my copy right now but I could send it to you when I get it back.


Dungeon_Beard t1_jed6tez wrote

I'm sorry to hear about your fur baby, but am happy to hear you were able to find transportation.

I recently had to do the same, it's never easy.

Give her some extra scratches for me.

Best wishes.


bottlestars t1_jedfj60 wrote

I’m so sorry about your cat, I just went through that same pain last year. I hope you and your kitty found a ride ): 💖


IncomeNo6468 t1_jeefx2t wrote

Sorry about your Kitty! This post is sad and heartwarming all in one! Sad about you fur baby, but heartwarming of all the people helping others in need! Just be KIND, Keep it up Pittsburgh!!!


Pink_Penguin07 t1_jec6yoh wrote

How late are they open tomorrow?


ChinaLouise OP t1_jec7d24 wrote

6pm but my guess is I couldn't just walk in at 5:55. It will take some time


Pink_Penguin07 t1_jecacg0 wrote

I work until 5pm tomorrow, but might be able to get out at 430. I work in the Mexican War Streets area, but am willing to help. Keep me posted


demichr t1_jecnmzi wrote



Suzwella t1_jecueyb wrote

I see your edit where you said you found someone. Just wanted to say that if for any reason that falls through, I would be happy to help.


Necessary-Active-987 t1_jed514m wrote

Sorry to hear(read) this, it's definitely one of the worst feelings to lose a pet and I wish you the best in getting through it. Came a bit late to offer help it seems but I'm beyond proud to see how much support was available. Hope everyone here gets a little boost of faith in humanity and as others have said, add me to the list of backup options.


nonzer0 t1_jedapwo wrote

Please accept my condolences ❤️


Beyond_Interesting t1_jedb0nm wrote

Just want to say, I am so sorry :) losing a friend is very hard.


thetam13 t1_jedb6t8 wrote

If you still need help tomorrow, let me know.


dacoovinator t1_jecarx7 wrote

Maybe just wipe her down with those wipes made for cats??? It’ll probably make her smell tolerable enough to take in a uber


acalds1024 t1_jeeij41 wrote

so sorry for your loss from one kitty parent to another :(


Aezon22 t1_jef3m8h wrote

I saw you found someone but if your ride falls through, message me and I can drive you. No money needed.


huge_jeans710 t1_jef5ci7 wrote

I'm sorry to hear you lost your dear kitty, may they rest easy up in kitty haven ❤️


MandellaK407 t1_jeg1fd0 wrote

I can be a resource for a ride as well. I live in the Northside and would be more than happy to help. Please send me a message if you still need help 💜


JuliaX1984 t1_jecaglo wrote

I take my cats to the vet in a carrier in an Uber or Lyft all the time with no problem. Never had a driver object. I know you said she smells bad, but how bad?


ChinaLouise OP t1_jecaqzq wrote

She has cancer that's ruptured. The best way I can describe it is she smells rotten


[deleted] t1_jecd1xt wrote



[deleted] t1_jecdg0q wrote
