
balou918 OP t1_iu8qvmo wrote

Reply to comment by SystemOfADowneyJr in Accessibility by balou918

I’m so sorry your sibling had to go through that. My boyfriend needs medical care every week too, and we don’t drive. A few times I’ve had to take him to UPMC St. Margaret, and the closest bus stop isn’t close to the entrance at all. Some people on this thread seem to believe that I’m asking for a complete renovation of the city, and I’m not. Sometimes small things, like making an adjustment in the transit system or in the parking lot, can make a big difference.


balou918 OP t1_iu8q7tb wrote

Reply to comment by lemony_dewdrops in Accessibility by balou918

I completely agree with you. They also need to make some changes in the training that transit drivers receive. A bunch of them take off without giving you time to secure the wheelchair/asking if you’re good, or seem to get annoyed because you, in fact, have special needs.


balou918 OP t1_iu8pzo7 wrote

Reply to comment by raven_snow in Accessibility by balou918

I’m very happy that they’re renovating the library. The entrance they have right now (for wheelchairs) is like going inside a cave, the chair doesn’t almost fit and it makes you feel everything but welcome.

We’ve been here in the winter, and unfortunately when there’s snow around my partner has to stay at home unless we pay for an uber/lyft. That’s why we’re trying to go out as much as possible atm.


balou918 OP t1_iu6xya7 wrote

Reply to comment by Karma4Clunkerz in Accessibility by balou918

I don't know what you mean. If you were trying to say that the sidewalks can't be perfect, that's absolutely obvious and no one is expecting that to happen. But between that and how the reality is there is a huge gap.


balou918 OP t1_iu6xpiv wrote

Reply to comment by Otter592 in Accessibility by balou918

Thank you! ♥ I also hadn't noticed it before. I'm not disabled, but my boyfriend is, and pushing him around is a pain. I do it with all my love, but sometimes he gets so pissed off at how the sidewalks are that he just wants to go back home. I don't blame him. We're trying to get him an electric wheelchair to make it a little bit better, but our apartment building has stairs, so we'd need to get that fixed beforehand. But you still have those weird cutouts that you mentioned, no matter what kind of chair you have... or people parking horribly and not leaving enough space for you to go through.


balou918 OP t1_iu6kvsn wrote

Reply to comment by shrinkwrappedmummy in Accessibility by balou918

I think I used the wrong adjective. What I was trying to say is that all the sidewalks are broken and/or uneven. It’s impossible for someone with a manual wheelchair to go around without help. Especially if you take public transportation.